mn 51 Oh! Rabboni (Teacher)
This is the painting based on the story of Mary.
Now Mary had been pregnant. and it was good for her to fulfill all righteousness.
But her villagers did not receive her. Because, after Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they came together, she found herself with the child of the Holy Spirit.
So, she said, gI have conceived a son by the Holy Spirit.h But every villager did not believe her story.
They accused Mary of her and said in their hearts that this was an adulterous sin.
According to Mosesf law, the adulterer shall surely be put to death. Now, the feast of the Passover had come.
Most villagers had gone to Jerusalem. Her parents joined them. Because Jews go to Jerusalem and bear witness to being disciples of Moses.
But pregnant Mary had to stay home. So, her parents prepared a lot of food for her. And she had only to prepare daily water by herself.
There was a well in the center of the village. Therefore, her mother advised her that she would not meet anybody on her way to the well.
So, she went to draw water at noonday where nobody was.
This story occurred to me that Jesus knew a woman of Samaria who came to draw water at noon and had been troubled.
Now, a few people remained in the village. They were old men and children and an old rabbi. He was too old to go to Jerusalem.
But he took great pride in being a disciple of Moses.
The Talmud was his absolute authority. So, he was always irritated when anyone didnft obey the Talmud.
And he knew Mary was pregnant. But he was silent on that important issue. Because her father was an influential person in the village.
Mary hid in her house. Two weeks later. Her hiding life almost ended. One noonday, as usual, she went to draw water with a water pot on her head.
The weather was just beautiful. Everything was coming to life.
Bugs were coming out. The flowers were blooming. But the next moment Maryfs world had frozen.
All of a sudden, a man appeared from the shadows of trees. Mary had her heart in her mouth. She nearly died in shock.
But her lips automatically worked and said, gOh! Good day. Rabboni.h She told me bashfully that she had no choice but this word.
Then I was afraid for her, and asked, gWhat happened next?h
She said that the rabbi glared at her and said, gGood day? Oh my God! Something must have happened for you on the day long before, Miss.h
And, she said that he asked her what was going on with Joseph.
So, she answered that she bore no relation to him, because Josephfs father wrote a letter to her father that he had to break up their engagement.
Here is how it happened. When Mary's father Joachim found out that Mary was pregnant, he secretly sent a man with a letter to ask Jacob, Joseph's father, why.
But Jacob wrote back, gJoseph was always with me so that he couldn't see Mary. I thought Mary was my treasure, but the treasure, Joachim, is yours, just as Mary said.
Let me dissolve this engagement until Mary's innocence is proven before God. God mercy you.h
The letter angered her father and made her mother sorrowful.
@So, the rabbi said with an accusing look, gMary, you have sinned against God. So we have to talk about this important issue.
I suppose your parents will be back soon. Miss, God with you, see you later again.h
Therefore, Mary told him everything about what had happened to her that day, and the angel Gabriel came and told to her.
But the rabbi had no ears to hear Maryfs story. Mary then left her waterpot, back home weeping.
About thirty years later, Jesus said to the Pharisees and Scribes.
gHypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: eThese people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips. But their heart is far from Mine.
And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.h
Now if Jesus could speak to them. He would say, gGod commanded that whoever curses father or mother let him be put to death.
But if you have profited from the Lamb of God, you have been redeemed from your sins.
However, do you say from this do not honor Mary as the mother of the Lamb?
Then you have made the gift of God of no effect by your tradition.h
This painting represents the cause Mary had to leave her home in Nazareth.
Canvas oil 983mm 1240mm