mn 43 Jesus in the City
The present, many people have thought religious painting is equivalent to historic painting, indeed.
both paintings have the same point of view that represents the past. Buddha was gone, and other religious founders were the same.
They were no resurrection except for Jesus Christ. The Bible focuses only on Jesus who will be coming soon.
The Bible mentions when it will happen. Jesus said, "Now, learn this parable from the fig tree;
When it's branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near."
Therefore, His saying summer means the time of the end. I embodied His word of the Gospel in this painting.
One early summer day He is coming to Tokyo. However, Tokyo is a big city. So, what will He come to in Tokyo?
I suppose that He will come to the town familiar to Him. He used to live in Capernaum.
So, I sought a town that looked like Capernaum and worked it out. Please look at the two maps below.
The form of Lake Galilee seems like the form of JR Yamanote-line indeed.
Where is Capernaum? It is located northwest of Galilee.
The same place on the JR Yamanote line is Ikebukuro station.
Some of you might ask me where is Lake?
Don't worry. Let me explain Ikebukuro's meaning.
It means pond bag or water pool in English. So, this area used to concern water. And there are the same points in the two towns.
First is location. Capernaum lay along the post road and trade route between Egypt and Syria.
And Ikebukuro station faces Meiji Avenue, which is one of the main traffic lines in the big city.
Also, Ikebukuro station has two local line terminal stations. So, their business prospered as a trading city.
Second is they are big downtown, which hold big amusements.
Look at the painting. You find a famous discount shop and some Ramen places, also, there is a Nike shop.
And turn your eyes right, you find a white big building named Seibu Station Bill.
Strangely, it sounds like the building of the Savior. This is the best place to welcome Messiah Jesus Christ.
Look up at the sky, and you find angels sounding trumpets, and signs of clouds. But people don't pay attention to His coming.
Some people are on the phone. Some are reading a newspaper. Young women are taking pictures on a smartphone.
They are looking at a street performer who is floating. They can contact their folks but do not receive any signs of God.
However, is He real Jesus Christ? Because He had told before it comes, "Many will come in my name, at the time of the end."
When He first came, He was in a carpenter's style. Therefore many people could not recognize Him as Messiah.
Now He may become modern-style. Look on the right side, there is a young man who looks like a hopeful governor.
He might be like He who is a modern-style Messiah. However, nobody pays attention to him.
But only one young little girl is paying attention to hearing Jesus who is floating.
Jesus might say to her "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.
Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."
And He said to his disciples "The doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his sheep by name and leads them out.
And when he brings out his sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.
@"So, I don't worry. Because every Christian knows his voice, and they follow him forever.
This painting is my own story, but Jesus will come soon.
Because, He said, "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work." Amen!
Canvas oil 983mm 1240mm