mn 36 An interview in Bethlehem
After the previous exhibition. I prayed: The Lord will give me new things.
Because I had painted all the things about the episode of the Virgin Mary that were written in the Bible.
The word of the Lord came to me and said, gWhat do you want to see?h
I answered God, gI want to go back to the time when the Lord made them Your family, and I want to see them and talk with them."
And the hand of the Lord was upon me. He brought me forth in the Spirit of the Lord. And He set me down in the valley of Bethlehem.
And I saw them sitting on a stone in the middle of the valley.
First, we greeted each other and I said, gI am glad and I bless your firstborn Son, Jesus. I know this Precious Boy well but I donft know you two well."
Mary said to me," You are very kind. So, would you like to listen to our story?" I replied quickly, "Yes, please, I am here for that."
Mary looked at me with a radiance of joy and said, "Oh! is that so, indeed."
And she said to Joseph, "Darling, would you please have a word with him?"
Joseph looked into the evening light and said to her, "Mary, Look! The best day of all today is coming to an end now, it's been a complete day between God and us."
And he said to me, "Whatever has happened so far is beyond your imagination." I said to him,h You are indeed right.h
But I said to myself, gI guarantee itfs the beginning of His story now, itfs also the beginning of our history.h
And I prayed that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ may be with all of you. Amen.h
I bore witness to the word that they spoke and to the image of the Holy family that I had seen.
Canvas oil 910mm 1167mm