shuhai.gif (1035 バイト)我が家の庭に咲いている花々
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              Flowers in my garden in February.        new(1).gif (1987 バイト)  Pictures taken on May.14,2000

                  我が家の庭に咲いています。いろんな花が咲いています。                      5月14日撮影
Colourful and beautiful flowers are open now.
                      Azalea is in bloom the corner of garden

        Digital Camera; FujiFilm DS-20, f=5, 7mm
        Media ; Smart Media 8M

           FlashPath is so convenient media like a floppy disk for digital camera.  
        Smart Media 8M can make more than 120 Nos.of pictures, so lots. 

  Hi, Johanna-san, there is rose, colourful flowers in my garden,
you visited in my homepage finally with assist right?, and please
enjoy the flower pictures, and....
take care yourself, and see you soon......., from koko
Now, here are roses in bloom......
The collar is really pretty.. it is one of my favorite, although it tends to get out of hand . My favorite roses bloomed and were beautiful..  

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今年もインパチェンス ミヤコワスレ 家の周り 花で一周
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オダマキ サクラソウ ミヤコワスレ ミヤコワスレ
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香りがいいジャスミン パンジー
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すみれのハンギング ゼラニュウム ゼラニュウム
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ミヤコワスレ カラー FurTree もみの木
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バラ バラ
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赤いバラ フウセンソウ(?) オキザリス
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キンギョソウ スミレ ヤマツツジ
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モミジ 庭です 芝生

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