DDS-50MHz QRP Transceiver
@Project Overview
@Software Down Load
Updated on
May 12, 2003
50MHz QRP Transceiver / Overview
DDS ---- Basic information
Please see here
Transceiver ---- Basic concept
Merit of using DDS is flexibility of design of local oscillators. We can decide a frequency of RX local OSC with any restrictions.
Demerit of DDS is controlled by CPU. So I decided to add some function achieving by CPU. 1st is MORSE CODE DISPLAY using LED and 2nd is transition control between TX and RX.
DDS module
TRX specification
50MHz QRP Transceiver / Hardware
Circuit Diagrams
---- Main part (6 pages)
---- PIC part
Panel Layout
50MHz QRP Transceiver / Software
PIC control program
---- State transition
---- Frequency tuning
50MHz QRP Transceiver / Software Down Load
Control program for PIC
------- 50MHzTRX.EXE(86kB)
50MHz QRP Transceiver / Reference
Related web site
DDS chip
--- LA1600
--- NE602
--- LM386
--- PIC16F84