The introduction
of the temple

Hofuku-ji Temple
Is a car than Tomei Expressway Shimizu IC; about 7 minutes. There is the
this temple in the quiet place among the mandarin orange fields.
The name of the mountain
The foundation was "Chokeizan" from the first for about
150 years. There seems to have been often the village in the damage of
the flood, and the streamflow seems to have got closer to the front of
the temple in old days. Because a relationship was possible under the influence
in front of a temple, it is said that I changed it to "Rinsenzan".
A religion
Rinzai sect
One of the Rinzai sect. I assume pupil Rinzai Gigen of Obaku Kiun
a sect father.
Temple system
Myoshin-ji Temple group
3,400 subordinate temple temple Rinzai sect greatest denominations
to count about 7,000 number of the being on the register roll monks too
Origin of law
Seiken-ji Temple
A garden is appointed in the natural beauty spot of the country,
and a whole precincts takes the historic spot appointment of the country.
A principal idol
Nyoirin Kannon
There are many sedentary images of six elbows, but the principal
idol of the this temple is generally two elbows.
The foundation
1605 when Hidetada Tokugawa took office as General Edo Shogunate
A founder
Korin Saido great master
He died in 1622.
The existing chief priest
His name is Gido Shoshi. I count it, and it is the chief priest of the
15th generation.
He trained himself in Zuigan-ji Temple called a Zen Buddhist seminary
of the Rinzai sect northernmost.
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