Hiroshima Coventry Club

Outline of Coventry City

It is located in the centre of England, in the northwest of London. It takes one hour and ten minutes by express train and about two hours by couch from London.

*POPULATION:  about300,000(10th in the UK
*AREA: 98.64ku

*HISTORY: Leofric, Earl of Mercia, and his wife Godiva founded a church in 1043, which
marked the creation of this city.

In the 14th century, it thrived from fiber industry and merchandise. By the end
of 14th century Coventry had become the fourth most powerful city in England.

In the 16th century, it suffered economic recession from prevalence of black  
death disease, demolition of monasteries and decline of fiber industry.




平均気温: 10℃

歴史:  小さな村であったこの地域に、           

マーシャの領主としてやってきたレオフリックが、街を大きくしていった。 1043年その妻ゴダイバとともに建てた教会は街の大きさを象徴する立派な物であった。



 In the 18th century, Ribbon and watch making revived the city, but turned down
again pushed by cheaper imports from Europe.

In late 19th Century it developed with bicycle production which was succeeded
by automobile industry.  Because it was an active industrial city, it had become
the target of attacks by German military in WW II that resulted in the fiercest
bomb-ing in England with St.Michael’s Cathedral severely damaged.  Today it is
PeacePursuing City with FORGIVENESS and RECONCILIATION as the basis
of its policy.


*TWIN CITIES: 26 cities including Volgograd(Russia), Belgrade(Serbia and Montenegro), Dresden(Germany), Warsaw(Poland),  Jinan(China)  姉妹都市:26都市
ボルゴグラード(露) ベルグレード(セルビア共和国)
ドレスデン(独) ワルシャワ(露) ジナン(中国)等

Coat of Arms
While the coat of arms of the city are medieval in origin it should be noted that the right hand supporter is a phoenix rising from the ashes indicating the rebirth and rebuilding of the city after the Blitz of 1940. To balance the phoenix a black eagle was added to the left hand side which represents the symbol for Earl Leofric who was the husband of Lady Godiva, the city's medieval patron and benefactor. These supporters were added by royal decree in 1959.

   HHistorical Buildings in Coventry

Within the city, you can see many historical buildings.
Following are the important ones shown in chronological order

11C 1043 St Mary's Priary聖マリア修道院
12C Coomb Abby クーム修道院 Holy Trinity Church ホーリートリニティ教会
Old Cathedral of St Michael's旧コベントリー大聖堂
14C 1340 The king admitted Coventry to organize guilds. 国王がコベントリー市にギルドを作る許可を与えた。
1342:Whitefriarsホワイト修道院 1343:St Mary's Guild Hall 聖マリアギルドホール 1344:St John's Church 聖ジョン教会
1345 The king admitted Coventry to decide their own Mayor 
1381:Charter House 1355〜1583:Town Wall
War of Rose:King Henry Y held the Parliament at St Mary's Guild Hall
ab.1435:Dooms Painting(Holy Trinity Church)
1500:Tapestry(St Mary's Guild Hall)
1500年制作 タペストリー(聖マリアギルドホール)
16C  Henry [ establish the Church of England<Demolition of St Mary's Abby>
ヘンリー8世 英国国教会を設立。  (聖マリア修道院の取り壊し)
 Economic recession: Black Death Disease, Abolition of monasteries, Decline of fiber industry
経済の落ち込み (黒死病の流行、修道院取り壊し、繊維産業の衰退)
Ford's Hospital フォード貧窮院 Bond's hospital ボンド貧窮院 Old Bablake School オールドバブレイク学校
17C Lychgate cottage リッチゲイトコテッジ
 Civil War: After the Civil War, Charles Uorders demolision of the Town Wall
市民戦争 市民戦争後、チャールズ2世の命でタウンウォールの取り壊し。
18C 1783:County Hall 州会議場
19C 1831:Draper's Hall カーテン屋ホール 1863: Quadorant四分弧
World War T, U 第1次2次世界大戦
20C 1940 The Old Cathedral of St Michael's burnt down
コベントリー大聖堂 (聖マイケル教会)焼け落ちる。
1962 Consecration of New Cathedral of St Michael's