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ICS-Japan Section Top | 55th Congress Overview | Abstract Registration | Access & Map


[Duration of Submission]
Noon of March 1, 2009 (Sun) - Noon of May 14, 2009 (Thu) (CLOSED) *Japanese Time

[Application Requirements]
Applicants for Free Communications should be a member of the International College of Surgeons, except for international students.

Membership applications can be obtained from the following URL.

[Young Investigator's Award]
Young Investigator's Award will be selected among the free papers during the congress, and the winners will be announced later on the Website of the International College of Surgeons Japan Section.

[Instructions for the Applicants]
Author(s) and affiliation(s):
Title of abstract: 20 words or fewer
Body text of abstract: 250 words or fewer

1) Enter by roman letter or English as designated.
2) Please make sure not to make mistakes or mistype since the data received is used as it is.
3) Platform dependent characters (circled number, roman number, other special characters generated, and so on) cannot be used.
4) Enter roman numbers by combination of English characters. (e.g. II (I and I), VI (V and I), XI (X and I))

[Abstract Submission]
Please submit the abstract via e-mail as an attachment (.doc formats preferred) with the title (mail subject) of "55th ICSJ Abstract Submission".
Also enter your contact information (Address, TEL, E-mail Address) in the body of the message.

akisatoh@titan.ocn.ne.jp or akisatoh@msf.biglobe.ne.jp (To: Dr.Haraguchi or Dr.Itoh)

Haraguchi Yoshikura or Itoh Yutaka / National Hospital Disaster Medical Center, Tokyo
Email:  akisatoh@titan.ocn.ne.jp or akisatoh@msf.biglobe.ne.jp
TEL: 042-548-1287 or 042-526-5511 (ex. 3174, 2303)
FAX: 042-548-1287 or 042-526-5540