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ICS-Japan Section Top@b@55th Congress Overview@b@Abstract Registration@b@Access & Map

July 3rd(Friday) - 4th(Saturday), 2009

Venue: Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Nishishinjuku Campus

Symposium (the following themes will be included):
1. Surgical Critical/Intensive Care and Surviving Sepsis Campaign
2. Surgeon and the coming flu outbreak
3. The role of surgeon during major disaster , including safety and security


Day Surgery - Up to Date
Oral and poster presentation


Necrotizing Pancreas Major Burn Destroyed hospital by the Hanshin-Awaji
earthquake (January 1995)
pancreatitis01 pancreatitis02 burn eathqhosp

birdflu earthq tritag nbcshower
Bird flu (February 2004)
The Iwate-Miyagi-Nairiku earthquake (June 2008)
Triage Tag
Shower for decontamination

Congress President: Haraguchi Yoshikura (National Hospital Disaster Medical Center, Tokyo)
Vice President: Tohru Ishihara (Shirahigebashi Hospital, Tokyo)
  Tomoshige Shigyo (Shigyo Clinic)
Secretary General: Yutaka Itoh (National Hospital Disaster Medical Center, Tokyo)
Submission: March 1 2009, to May 14 2009 (CLOSED)
Address EmailF akisatoh@titan.ocn.ne.jp or akisatoh@msf.biglobe.ne.jp
TELF 042-548-1287 or 042-526-5511iex. 3174, 2303j
FAXF 042-548-1287 or 042-526-5540
URLF http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~akisatohito/