
Then, Chihaya felt a hand placed on her shoulder. There was Aya, her short trimmed hair flickering in the water like seaweed. Aya tries to take Chihaya above, but Chihaya fights feverishly - there was no way, she thought, she could make her way all the way back to the surface. Worried, Aya points at her mouth, exhales small bubbles, and then gestures towards the dark inner quarters of the ship down the corridor.
In an inquiry, Chihaya points to her own mouth: is - is there air down here? and to this Aya replies with a confident nod. Aya turns around and begins to swim with the grace and speed of a maritime species. Chihaya clutches her teeth and follows suit.

Thirteen, fourteen....
After her jackrabbit start, Chihaya began counting in her head. Seeing Aya's paddling feet just before her, she swam past the ship's galley and sick bay, and a long row of doors which seemed like the mates' living quarters.
Twenty-one, twenty-two...
Now, Aya and Chihaya had reached the far end of the corridor. Aya slid her body through a door that was slightly ajar - and so did Chihaya, barely squeaking through.
Thirty-three, thirty-four...
"Aaaaarrgh," Chihaya uttered a suffocated scream, mouthing pints of seawater. She was totally beyond what she could do. She wavered her limbs frantically and belched out every bubble of air that was remaining in her lungs. "I-I can't."