Fizeau experiment showed Einstein relativistic theory is false.

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Einstein relativity is wrong.

Fizeau experiment showed light speed is severely affected by the water medium, so Einstein relativity rejecting the medium is false.

(Fig.1)  Light speed is slowed down to c/n (= n is water refractive index ) by water medium in Fizeau experiment incompatible with Einstein relativity.

Fizeau experiment showing light speed affected by water medium validated aether (= medium ) dragged by the earth, and invalidated Einstein based on the constant light speed c.

Unlike the standard textbook explanation, Fizeau experiments measuring the light speed c slowed down inside water (= medium ) contradicts Einstein relativity denying the medium affecting the light speed.

Fizeau showed the light speed c becomes much slower to c/n (= n is water refractive index ) in the water medium ( this p.1-1. ).

↑ Einstein relativistic theory insists the light speed c is always the same c, Not affected by any medium or aether, which completely contradicts the Fizeau experiment.

↑ If light wave collides with water molecules, and appears to be slower in the propagating direction, the light is scattered in various different directions when entering water, which does Not happen.
So Einstein relativity cannot explain why light speed is suddenly slowed down in water medium.

Light speed is partially dragged by water medium.

Furthermore, Fizeau demonstrated the light speed c/n inside the water was partially dragged by the moving water container (= light speed was affected by the water medium, this-last-paragraph ).

↑ The water container is far smaller than the whole large medium dragged by the earth, so this light speed partially dragged by the moving water container is compatible with the aether (= medium ) dragged by the earth and stellar aberration ( this p.4-last ).

In fact, Michelson experiment showed light is also changed by the earth spinning, which disproved Einstein relativistic postulate of the invariant light speed c irrelevant to observers' (= earth ) motion.

If Einstein's contradictory explanation of the light speed slower in water was right, the light could be as slow as ordinary objects.

(Fig.2)  Light speed is slowed down to c/n (= n is water refractive index ) by water medium in Fizeau experiment incompatible with Einstein relativity.

Einstein relativity admits light speed depends on the medium, contradicting Lorentz transformation.

Einstein relativity paradoxically tried to explain the observed light speed slowed down and partially-dragged by water medium, using the Lorentz transformation of the velocity (= the light speed c is faster or slower by the observers' motion !  this p.17,  this p.16 ).

↑ But if this relativistic reason was right, the light speed could be much much slower than c and stop (= light speed becomes zero ! ), when seen by observers moving at the same velocity as the light speed c/n in the (water or air) medium, which contradicts Einstein relativity

Because according to Lorentz transformation, the object's or light's speed slower than c can be changed or slowed down to zero depending on observers' motion (= Fig.2-lower ).

↑ The light speed becomes zero, which means the light momentum is zero, and the light wavelength (= de Broglie wavelength ) becomes infinite, and the light interference pattern is paradoxically changed, depending on observers' motion.

↑ Only the light speed seen by observer at rest relative to the medium becomes c/n, which disagrees with Einstein relativistic postulate that light speed is not affected by the medium.

Relativistic interpretation of Fizeau experiment claiming the light speed is the constant c/n in the rest frame of the medium is disproved by Sagnac effect.

This relativistic interpretation of Fizeau experiment is based on the (false) assumption that the light speed is always the constant c/n (= n is refractive index ) as seen by an obervser at rest relative to the medium ( this p.16-upper,  this-p.6-(25),(26) ).

This relativistic explanation of Fizeau experiment contradicts the experimental fact of Sagnac effect where the observed light speed is changed even seen by the observer at rest with respect to the medium, which Sagnac effect disproves Lorentz transformation (= this Sagnac effect paradoxically admits the absolute frame stationary with respect to the earth ).



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