Dr. Gen SAZAKI's page
60kg: Undergraduate student (1989, B4 in Osaka) |
60kg: Before marriage (1990 (M2) in Nepal) |
85kg: After marriage (1998 in Sendai) |
97kg: My heaviest period (2002.8 in Sendai). Hair became white! |
76kg: After diet (still keeping) (2003.5 in Sendai) |
72kg: Still keeping dietary! (2004.10 in Sendai) |
80kg: In front of the Institute of Low Temperature Science. (2008.12 in Sapporo) My weight was a little increased during my stay in Granada. |
80 kg: Recently, I always need my glasses because of my aged eyes. (2019.2 in Sapporo) |
Adhesive growth during these 15 years, and desolution after severe diet!
When I was an undergraduate student, I was very poor (upper left). Thus, after my marriage, my weight was increased to 97kg. After severe diet of a half year, I became slim. Don't you think so?
Research Interests:
Crystal growth and crystallization, Mechanisms and kinetics of nucleation and
crystal growth, Physics and chemistry of ice/snow, Physics and chemistry of protein molecules, Shape and surface morphology
of crystals, Magnetic field effects on the crystallization, High pressure effects
on the crystallization, Interferometry and other optical monitoring technique,
Growth of high quality thin film crystals of organic-semiconductor.
Phase Transition Dynamics Group, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University:
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Present Researches:
Past researches: ‰ß‹Ž‚ÌŒ¤‹†“à—e
Budjets obtained (only in Japanese): ŠO•”Šl“¾Ž‘‹à
Events (only in Japanese): sŽ–
How to come to our laboratory:
I am in a room 304 (office) or a room 02-105-3 (experimental room). Œ¤‹†“‚Ì304†Žºi‹Žºj‚©ŽÀŒ±“02-105-3ŽºiŽÀŒ±Žºj‚É‚¨‚è‚Ü‚·D
Contact information: ˜A—æ@
§ 060-0819ŽD–yŽs–k‹æ–k 19 ð¼ 8 ’š–Ú; Œg‘Ñ“d˜b: 090-2991-7740; E-mail: sazakilowtem.hokudai.ac.jp
Research Group for Phase Transition Dynamics of Ice, The Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Kita-19, Nishi-8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0819, JAPAN; Mobile Phone: +81-90-2991-7740; E-mail: sazakilowtem.hokudai.ac.jp