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A software tool to detect lunar impact flashes in SER format video files. The following document describes how to use ser_scan.
Yanagisawa and Kakinuma (2022) Ser_scan: A software tool for detecting lunar impact flashes in SER format videos, submitted to Bulletin of the University of Electro-Communications.
ser_scan_32bit.exe: An executable file that works both on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows machines
ser_scan_64bit.exe: An executable file that works only on 64-bit Windows machines Source files. Two header files (.h), seven program code files (.cpp), and a resource file (.rc) are included. They were built to create the executable files by Visual Studio 2017 for x86(32-bit) and x64(64-bit) Windows personal computers.
FlashA.ser: A sample SER format video file. It contains 201 frames. Frame size is 60 x 60.
FlashB.ser: A sample SER format video file. It contains 210 frames. Frame size is 50 x 50.