2004.7.4 (Sunday) Yama

The uniform motion

The neutrino is able to have big momentum with small mass. Therefore, it is expedient to assume the neutrino as the cause material of the gravitation. The neutrino as the cause material of the gravitation doesn't hinder (decelerate) the inertial uniform motion, and doesn't hinder (decelerate) the revolving of the planet and so on. Here, the reason is explained.

Now, there is a big object M which is in the inertial uniform motion slowly (to the speed of light). By the neutrino (the cause of the gravitation), all the side of the object M is poured. In the flat space where there is not gravitation, the grand total of the momentum vector on each neutrino which crash and absorb into the object M is 0 vector. Incidentally, in the space with gravitation, the direction which is perpendicular to the gravitation is same way of thinking. (the direction of the tangent of the circular orbit revolving and so on).

The object M forms one system of the dynamics with all the neutrino to crash and absorb into it. Then, we think about the momentum conservation law. At first, the object M and the neutrinos before crash and absorption are separate. When a constant time passes, all the momentum vectors are integrated into the object M. Because the total momentum vector of the neutrino is 0, the object M saves original momentum after all and continues uniform motion.

In strictly, the mass of the neutrino crashed and absorbed increases, and the object M decelerates. But it is minimal quantity, and is ignored ordinarily. For example, in the flat space, when the mass increases by 1 % with the neutrino crashed and absorbed, the object M is decelerating by 1%. It is sorely if the cause material of the gravitation so adheres.

It returns.
