2007.4.8 (Sunday) Yama

The answer to the problem of solar neutrino !

The cause in case of occurrence

It increasingly kindles more when pouring oil (electronic antineutrino which comes flying to the sun and is absorbed) into the fire (the fusion). Because it estimates based on the condition, it is observed for there to be few slipped neutrinos. - - - - The first idea for me

Now, We must aim at the reaction of P + electronic antineutrino ->N+e(+).

This means becoming neutron N and positron e(+) with electronic antineutrino which comes flying to the proton P of the hot plasma condition from the space caught. Positron e(+) reacts to electron e and becomes the energy of gamma ray. On the other hand, neutron N reacts to proton P immediately and slips becoming energy in (2)H but the decisive difference with the reaction of P+P ->(2)H is not to let out electronic neutrino.

In other words, it thought that it does a basic reaction about P+P ->(2)H and so on but there is a reaction which becomes N+P ->(2)H after electronic antineutrino which comes flying from the space changes left side proton P to neutron N at the about half. Either of the reactions since then are same.

The temperature is no less when electronic antineutrino which comes flying from the space isn't captured and the P+P ->(2)H deceleration, i.e. the occurrence of electronic neutrino decreases. When electronic antineutrino which comes flying from the space in the condition is caught by proton P, the energy occurs in the N+P ->(2)H reaction and promotes P+P ->(2)H. In other words, one coming flying electronic antineutrino becomes a trigger and directly, it is N+P ->(2)H (This reaction doesn't let out electronic neutrino), however, are P+P ->(2)H in the neighborhood. There is one electronic neutrino (that electronic antineutrino comes out) and to be slipped.

Because there are two energy generation types to one slipped electronic neutrino, when making occurring energy in the sun a standard, slipped electronic neutrino has only the half of the expectation. Things above mentioned are that the main P-P reaction (the N-P reaction) with the solar energy occurrence causes.

The electronic neutrino with high energy is described, too. The neutron N which is caused by P + electronic antineutrino -> N+e(+) acts on anything at once. Then, because electronic neutrino doesn't come out as the assumed mechanism of occurrence, there are less observed numbers than the estimates. (Neutrino of 7Be)
Also, because electronic antineutrino flying from outside acts on the proton in nucleus directly and one primitive number becomes small, there are less observed numbers of electronic neutrino than computation value of expectation.(Neutrino of 8B)

Incidentally, also electronic neutrino comes flying from space. Then, there is a reaction, N + electronic neutrino -> P+e(-). However, the positron which promotes a nuclear reaction doesn't occur. I think that It has a shallow relation in the sun neutrino problem.

The cause during the fly (The neutrino vibration)

KamLAND Plan detects the electronic antineutrino of several MeV which occurs in the nuclear reactor in various parts of Japan in the position with distance of the flight in an average of 180 Km. The result was released in 2002, then, the number of the detection is only about 60 % compared with the case which doesn't have neutrino vibration. The neutrino vibration by the electronic (anti) neutrino is the situation which was observed for the first time in the world. The decrease of the sun neutrino becomes a problem from around 1970. The cause was studied mainly in the neutrino vibration (the vibration to muon neutrino) by the expert. Then, at present, it is becoming a proof step by the observation result.

As for the sun neutrino problem, I came up with the cause in case of occurrence. The idea was simultaneously with the gravitational model in (around) 1976. Since then, I have continued to take to the idea for a long time. At present, I think that there may be two big reasons.

It returns.
