version 20014.10.21a

renewal version (change of mode from absorption to elastic collision)

elementary particle neutrino is cause of gravitation !

As for me, when I was young I was individual researcher of physics. I bought and read a variety of books. I was especially interested in astronomy and space and elementary particle. Main force which acts in the scale of space is gravitation. Gravitation acts as pull force in the scale of solar system. And, I think that gravitation acts as repulsion force,too in the scale of galaxy more. I wanted to discover essence of gravitation, and I read the (general) theory of relativity and Riemann geometry and so on. Then, I got one conclusion. I understood that as for the general theory of relativity, behavior of gravitation was described but essence (cause, occurrence mechanism) was not described. In other words, I noticed that we might furthermore study essence of gravitation . Then, I paid attention to neutrino of elementary particle. Neutrino runs at the speed of light. Also, permeability is very high because of electric-chargeless (even if it goes through Earth, collision is very few like 1/100000000). Neutrino written in one book is related to natural deepest mystery. I think that neutrino has momentum and momentum becomes cause of gravitation.

About gravitation of neutrino cause.

First, I think that nature of neutrino is as following.

(1) It goes straight on at the speed of light.

(2) Permeability is very high, and neutrino collides elastically with object at extremely a few rate.

(3) Neutrino has momentum.

(4) Astrospace is buried by neutrino which goes straight in all the directions.

Running neutrino doesn't generate gravitation (acceleration) where running is even in all the directions, but generate gravitation where running is not even in directions.

law of Newtonian dynamics is described by neutrino.

[ 1] Unless adding force, as for object, there is standing still or uniform motion.

When object is at rest, total vector of receiving momentum in all the directions per unit time is zero vector.
When object at uniform motion, object receives momentum from neutrino similarly to original position, even if object is shifting little by little, because space is uniformity in neighborhood at least. Total vector of momentum that object receives per unit time is zero vector, and object continues uniform motion.

[ 2] F=G·m·M/(r·r)

F: gravitation among two objects.
G: Universal gravitation fixed number.
m and M: mass of object.
r: distance between two objects.

From here, for plain explanation, the gravitation is supposed, which acts between sun (M side) and earth (m side). Why is earth pulled toward sun? The reason is that momentum of neutrino from sun decreases. If there is no sun, earth receives even force (continuous momentum) in all the directions by neutrino which comes from space, and earth is not accelerated in any direction. However, because there is sun, momentum of neutrino from solar direction decreases, and pushing force from solar direction decreases. Earth is pushed toward sun from back side by the force of difference. Such force become the universal gravitation. Essence is push force, not pulling.

(1) Gravitation F is in proportion to mass M of sun.

This problem is simple. At position of earth, momentum of neutrino which comes from direction of sun is decreased, and amount of decrease is in proportion to mass M.

For example. In case that mass of sun is M, earth is pushed by force 10000 from back side, and by force 9900 from solar side. gravitation is 100 (=10000-9900). Next, in case that mass of sun is 2M, earth is pushed by force 10000 from back side, and by force 9800 from solar side. gravitation is 200 (=10000-9800). In this way, gravitation is in proportion to mass M of sun.

(2) Gravitation F is in proportion to mass m of earth.

Also this problem is simple. At position of earth, momentum of neutrino is unbalance between from back side and from solar side. Each of force from back side and force from solar side is in proportion to mass m of earth. Therefore, gravitation as difference is in proportion to mass m of earth.

(3) Gravitation F is in inverse proportion to square of distance r.

This problem is a little complex. At position of earth, We think of force pulled by sun. And, Why is gravitation in inverse proportion to square of distance r? Necessity explanation is Why decrease of momentum of neutrino from solar side is in inverse proportion to square of distance r.

For example. In case that distance is r, earth is pushed by force 10000 from back side, and by force 9900 from solar side. gravitation is 100 (=10000-9900). Next, in case that distance is 2r, earth is pushed by force 10000 from back side, and by force 9975 (decrease is on quarter) from solar side. gravitation is 25 (=10000-9975). In this way, gravitation is in inverse proportion to distance r. Why do gravitation become one quarter?

We think of number of neutrino which rebound at the sun and is decreased of momentum. At the position of double distance, stream spreads and cross section becomes quadruple similarly to sunlight. Number becomes a quarter if earth is there.


Gravitation has been the force pulling among objects since the universal gravitation by Newton. I showed possibility to be able to explain essence of gravitation, However, by using elementary particle neutrino flitting freely in astrospace, I showed possibility to be able to explain essence of gravitation,

subject of study

(1) Detail of mechanism which generates gravitational field.

(2) Detail of mechanism where mass point generates force in gravitational field.

(3) Solution of the inertial force.

(4) Gravitation acts as pull force in the scale of the solar system. And, I think that gravitation act as repulsive force,too in the scale of galaxy more. I think there is emitting source of neutrino at the scale of galaxy. In that case, gravitation is repulsive force in the macrocosm.

(5) About phenomenon which are confirmed as right by the theory of general relativity (Perihelion movement of Mercury, the bending of light rays in the gravitational field, gravitational redshift,etc.). Is there probability to be able to explain them in what way by the gravitational theory of neutrino?

(6) Here, I explained matters by limited neutrino. Probability of other elementary particle is by study in the future.


There is possibility that conclusion by the general theory of relativity in strong gravitational field is corrected. For example, as for black hole which is supposed to be, truth may not exist.

It returns.