Space-time is not warped by mass and is warped by gravity.
We often suppose by explanation as if space-time is warped only by being an object (mass point) in space. But it is mistake, and properly speaking, space-time is warped by the gravity with object.
Tensor of measurement standard has meaning as generalized potential in commentary book.
Following consideration is possible, too. For example, it was a problem of the perihelion progress of Mercury, 43" progress of angle was observed in 100 years. Einstein explained the cause definitely as space-time distortion by the general relativity theory.
The solution (line element) of Schwarzschild comes out in the commentary book of theory of relativity, which is not so many books. On the basis of Schwarzschild's line element, we can grasp the distored space-time as numeric value, in the following procedures.
(Procedure 1 ) Solution (line element) of Schwarzschild
(Procedure 2 ) We find Schwarzschild radius. Its calculating formula is connected with (mass * constant of gravitation)(velocity of light is related, too), therefore it is a mistake to warp space-time only at mass. And we should know that true cause of space-time distortion is by gravitational potential. In addition, in the general theory of relativity, the constant of gravitation is a constant value literally, However, by the new gravity theory of neutrino origin, the constant of gravitation cannot be treaten for fixed value around the very large space or super high density heavenly bodies. (changes)
(procedure 3 ) We substitute the value of Schwarzschild radius for calculating formula of the perihelion progress of Mercury. The result of theory conforms to the fact that has been observed.
(procedure 3' ) We substitute the value of Schwarzschild radius for expression to calculate curve angle of ray via sun neighborhood. Observation conforms to the theory.
(procedure 3'' ) We substitute the value of Schwarzschild radius for calculating formula of the delay at time of fixed star surface. Observation conforms to the theory.
The main book which I referred to: Written by Toshima Araki "theory of relativity outline", Kouseisya(fixed star company) version, March 30, 1969 publication
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