( Agricultural Systems Engineering )


Professor Emeritus

University of Tsukuba


1. Why Systems Approach?

    Agricultural sector is a large, complex, diversified system compared to other sectors as industrial one.

    Characteristic points of it are;

    1) using biological materials which have un-unified properties chemically and physically,

    2) in diversified soils or fields,

    3) being affected by climate conditions which human beings can not control,

    4) closed loop system.

2. What is Systems Approach?

    2-1. What is system in systems engineering?
      1) Elements more than two,

      2) Within certain range,

      3) Relationship each other among them,

      4) Unified organization,

      5) To have objectives estimated with measurable function.

    2-2. Systems Engineering

    Systems Engineering is most powerful scientific technology, to analyze the system systematically and to design the total system effectively.

3. How to Systems Approach?

3-1. Modeling of system

3-1-1. Physical model (hardware)

3-1-2. Mathematical model by computer programming (software)

a) Dynamic model ( function of time), b) Analytic model (LP, DP etc.)

3-2. Set objective function of system

3-3. Simulation: like as experiment

3-4. Optimization variables

Fig. 1 The basic steps of system simulation


4. TOPICS (Examples)

4-1. Optimum Design

Optimization of a feasible design is a great challenge to the systems engineer in agriculture. There are no general rules for optimization. Instead, there are many techniques that may have application in some models. Most of these techniques are designed to produce least-cost solutions, a criterion that is very acceptable to agricultural production management. Several optimization techniques are presented in the following.

Dynamic Programming --- Software-> (DP-001.htm: )

Linear Programming --- Software-> (LP-001.htm: LP-vb.xls)

Steepest gradient method: Hill climbing --- Software->(SGM-001.htm: sgm-01.xls)

Monte Carlo method

Game theory

Queuing theory

Markov chain

PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique )

CPM ( Critical Path Method )

AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process )

Optimization in farm work system--- Software->(SFS-01.htm)


4-2. Demo: software

Eco-system: (SSS-001.htm) and Logistic curve (logistic.xls)

Cyclic phenomena: Weed & Grasshopper: (weed-g-E.xls)

@    Artificial life

4-3. Technical terms

Systems Engineering (SE)

Operations Research (OR), Cybernetics

Computer: (fmp-ex01.doc)

1) Logical algebra (Boolean algebra), 2) Digital and Analog, 3) Personal Computer

FORTRAN, BASIC, Visual Basic, C

CAD (Computer aided design), CAI (Computer assisted instruction)

AI (Artificial Intelligence), Expert System



Trial and Error


4-4. Quiz: Miracle of combination

See miraclec.htm

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