日常生活の中でふと目にする自然からインスピレーションを受けて作品を制作しています。 天然繊維と天然染料を使い、素材に潜む無限の可能性を引き出せるような作品作りを心がけています。 染色工程で使われる媒染料(染料の発色を促し、色素を繊維に定着させ、日光や洗濯による退色を 防ぐ役割を果たす)に於いても、自家製鉄漿や天然明礬を用いています。 |
プロフィール 染織作家
2012.4-2019.3 Part-time lecturer at Nagoya University of Arts |
about my work My practice has evolved from the natural environment that surrounds me. The environmental considerations are important for me through the process of making my work. I would like to make cloths that are durable and could return to the earth when they are finished with. I have been fascinated by natural materials because of having infinite ability. I would like to examine many possibilities of natural materials. All the yarns are hand dyed with the method only requiring natural sources: rock alum and homemade iron water are used as a mordant to fix colours onto fibres with dyestuffs. |
Profile Textile maker
2012.4-2019.3 Part-time lecturer at Nagoya University of Arts |