
The most prominent feature of Japanese nouns is that they don't have plural forms, even though there are pluralizing suffixes such as ら, たち and ども. Time nouns can function as adverbs under certain conditions. Place nouns can be used with the particle "に" to say someone is going to somewhere.

Teachers, Doctors, and Lawyers -2      Teachers, Doctors, and Lawyers

How to Use もの, こと and の      Second Person and Third Person Pronouns

Modifying Formal Nouns      Nominalized Form of Adjectives      Modifying Nouns

Words of Chinese-Origin      Adverbial Usage of Nouns      Terms that Express Colors      ここ (here)

あまのじゃく      愛 (love)、恋 (love)      縁 (relation or destiny)

せい、おかげ      屋 (store)      嫌い (tendency)      かた (way)、方法 (way)      のこと