Notes on Japanese Culture

In Japanese, there are a lot of color names. You can produce color names from various things which have the color you want to express, for example, 茶色 (the color of tea), ねずみ色 (the color of rats), 水色 (the color of water), 桃色 (the color of peach) and だいだい色 (the color of oranges). Other than these ones, Japanese has more color names to discribe a subtle difference in colors, for example, 萌黄(もえぎ), 翡翠(ひすい), 緑(みどり), 浅葱(あさぎ), 瑠璃(るり), 藍(あい), 紺(こん), 菖蒲(しょうぶ) and 紫(むらさき).

Influences from Chinese Culture

Second Person and Third Person Pronouns

Giving and Receiving

Teacher, Doctor, and Lawyer -2      Teacher, Doctor, and Lawyer

Japanese Middle Names      Women's Way of Saying "I love you, too."

Magic word in Japanese      Terms that Express Colors

Inviting and Asking