privacy policyEnactment date: September 18, 2021We recognize that the proper protection of user's personal information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") is a serious responsibility, and regarding its handling, related laws, guidelines, guidelines such as "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" Etc., and shall be handled under the following policy. 1, We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, guidelines set by the government, and other norms. 2, We will continuously improve the security system of personal information against risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss or damage of personal information. 3, We will protect your personal information in the best condition. 4, We have established internal rules for handling complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, and will respond promptly and sincerely to complaints and consultations. 5, Regarding the personal information protection management system, we will review it in a timely and appropriate manner in consideration of changes in the environment surrounding us, and continuously promote its improvement. makinosoft Personal information inquiry window