1 ダイソーで「名刺カード」(A4 10枚入り)を購入します。店に置いていない場合は,「プラスマイナス(線付き)」の方を使えば,A4用紙ならなんでも結構です。
2 「プラスマイナス」(名刺用紙用)又は「プラスマイナス(線付き)」のどちらかを用紙に印刷します。プリンターによって若干の印刷ずれが予想されます。試し刷りしてみてください。PDFは3ページですが,1,2ページを印刷してください。
Print either"plus/minus"(for business card paper) "or "plus/minus(with line)"on paper.
3 切り取ります。
 プラスマイナス ゲーム

Plus Minus Game
This is a game where you compete for the total points of your cards.

As in the case of playing cards, decide the order to go with the parents, and parent will give out 2 cards to each of them (increase the card when they get used to it).  Place the rest face down.

Discard one card you want to exchange in order from the parent and take one from the field.  You cannot pass.
 From the second time onward, the person who thinks the total after the card exchange is the highest is declared as "Last!".
 After the declaration, those who do not want to exchange can "pass".
When the order of the declaring person comes (or when there are no more cards in the field), show the cards in order from the declaring person.
The ranking is based on the total score of the cards, but if the total score of the person who declared is not the highest, it will be the lowest.
(Example of device) If the result of the multiplication becomes the total points, you can study the multiplication and get more excited.