 1 ダイソーで「名刺カード」(A4 10枚入り)を購入します。店に置いていない場合は,「九九カード(線付き)」の方を使えば,A4用紙ならなんでも結構です。
 2 「九九カード」又は「九九カード(線付き)」のどちらかを用紙に印刷します。プリンターによって若干の印刷ずれが予想されます。試し刷りしてみてください。また、PDFは5ページですが,4ページまでを印刷してください。
Print either"multiplication card"(for business card paper) "or "multiplication card(with line)"on paper.
3 切り取ります。
The game is won by the person who discards the same multiplication and the card at hand disappears quickly.
As in the case of playing cards, decide the dealer and give the same number (about 5 to 10).  The rest will be placed.

The dealer first throws out one.  At that time, say the multiplication table you use.


The next person can discard one card with the same multiplication table as the number (underlined) behind the multiplication table that the previous person said.
If you do not have a card to give, say "pass".
Also, when the "pass" turns and returns to the order of the person who issued the card, that person can say the multiplication table of their favorite card.
  If  you have an "ALL" card at hand, you can say your favorite multiplication table and put it out.
However, you cannot leave the last one on hand

If you don't have any cards in hand, you're done.