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No.4354    投稿者:Laurence    投稿時刻:2022/06/21 05:59:52

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No.4352    投稿者:Millard    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:58:07

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No.4351    投稿者:Vince    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:58:06

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No.4350    投稿者:Jewel    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:58:05

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No.4349    投稿者:Shawn    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:58:02

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No.4348    投稿者:Dominick    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:58:01

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No.4347    投稿者:Shayne    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:27:51

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No.4346    投稿者:Gayle    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:27:50

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No.4345    投稿者:Dallas    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:27:49

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No.4344    投稿者:Sanford    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:27:47

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No.4343    投稿者:Makayla    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:27:46

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No.4342    投稿者:Maxwell    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:16:32

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No.4340    投稿者:Marco    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:16:29

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No.4339    投稿者:Buster    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 22:16:28

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No.4337    投稿者:Sylvester    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 17:52:29

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No.4336    投稿者:Brian    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 17:52:28

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No.4335    投稿者:Alexa    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 17:52:27

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No.4334    投稿者:Quinton    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 17:52:26

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No.4333    投稿者:Errol    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 17:52:25

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No.4332    投稿者:Fidel    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:49:50

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No.4331    投稿者:Rickie    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:49:49

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No.4330    投稿者:Mary    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:49:48

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No.4329    投稿者:Florencio    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:49:47

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No.4328    投稿者:Maya    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:49:46

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No.4327    投稿者:Devon    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:09:25

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No.4326    投稿者:Haley    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:09:24

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No.4325    投稿者:Harlan    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:09:23

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No.4324    投稿者:Dudley    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:09:21

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No.4323    投稿者:Juan    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 15:09:20

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No.4322    投稿者:Ava    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:53:32

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No.4321    投稿者:Claudio    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:53:31

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No.4320    投稿者:Jerrold    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:53:29

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No.4319    投稿者:Jack    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:53:28

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No.4318    投稿者:Quintin    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:53:26

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No.4317    投稿者:Hilario    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:07:21

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No.4316    投稿者:Erich    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:07:20

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No.4315    投稿者:Haley    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:07:18

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No.4314    投稿者:Clair    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:07:17

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No.4313    投稿者:Mckinley    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 14:07:16

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No.4312    投稿者:Nicole    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 13:56:08

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No.4311    投稿者:Teodoro    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 13:56:06

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No.4310    投稿者:Khloe    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 13:56:05

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No.4309    投稿者:Marissa    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 13:56:04

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No.4308    投稿者:Marlon    投稿時刻:2022/06/20 13:56:03

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Last week the U.N. Security Council achieved a rare moment of unity on the Syrian war by passing a resolution demanding the elimination of Syria's chemical arsenal by mid-2014. Assad's ally Russia supported the resolution, which was based on a U.S.-Russian plan agreed upon in Geneva.

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