Roller Song page

Here are roller canary songs by keepers in and around Japan.

Copyright of these sound files belongs to their Recoders.
Permitted for personal use only.

1sh roller"King" the Japan Trad
Kyoto Roller Canary Club A Japanese traditional singer roller,
"King" is born in 1990, passed away 1997.
He showed good job and left results.
Visit his owner's page through the silhouette.
copyright Shinji Hoshina
Next bird
King's song H
Play streem
Real streem 29sec
Load the real file
Real file 124kb
Load the real file
MP3 audio 140kb
King's song K
Play streem
Real streem 21sec
Load the real file
Real file 93kb
Load the real file
MP3 audio 101kb

2nd EntryRegular teacher "Inney"
Teaching a young bird
He is a powerful song teacher.
A German Roller born in 1995 in Japan.
He has won many titles.
Hear him sing long.
Passed away at 02 des 2003.
Song of Inney E4
Play stream
Real stream 83sec
Load the real file
Real file 359kb
Load the MP3 file
MP3 audio 651kb

3rd EntryHard & Exotic "Supra"
Born in 1999, a hard rocker
dressed in green.
MP3 audio 422kb WindowsMedia audio 329kb

hTakah the mellow singer
His mother is born and bred by Pisuke and Pico
in my various canary room, and their origins are unknown.
His father is Inney above.
He sings like a regular roller, except for the shrill Water Glucks.
his name is Taka
Taka the hawk
MP3 audio 397kb WindowsMedia audio 489kb

hNamiheih grows up
This is a record of a bird growing.
The name comes from a famous charactor with little hair.
the hair shows his name

MP3 audio 252kb

WindowsMedia audio 267kb

MP3 audio 181kb

Windows Media audio197kb
MP3 audio 417kb Windows Media audio 436kb
MP3 audio 447kb Windows Media audio 468kb

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Breeding canaries is not so popular in Japan these days.
I want you Asian people get some canaries to make your life happy more.

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