C8051F300 (Silicon Laboratories)
Software Down Load
Acceleration sensor input
PWM setup for Servo Motor
Updated on
May 18, 2002 ---- Added G-sensor and PWM explanation
May 14, 2002 ---- Started the project
C8051F300 / Overview
Related information
We can reach following site as Silicon Laboratories Inc.
Development Environment
I have following "Development kit".
http://www.silabs.com/products/microcontroller/C8051F300DK.aspExample project
I made miniature Motorcycle as an application but I couldn't finish it yet.
Basic Function
Control items are;
・ Control for driving force by small DC motor
・ Control for steering by servo motor
For this purpose, following devices are used as sensors.
・ PSD sensor for detection of front obstructions
・ X-Y axes acceleration sensor for trim control
In addition for this;
・ Monitoring function by radio transmitter
All of this functions are controlled by C8051F300.
C8051F300/ Hardware
Hardware structure
You can reach a circuit drawing as below.
Circuit Diagram(2 pages)
C8051F300 is in very small package so it's very difficult to handle. I recommend to use DIP type evaluation chip for amateur hobby purpose. You cannot see 3mm x 3mm chip in the picture.
CPU has a clock oscillator in the chip so you don't need any additional circuit and pins for the clock.
I'm using acceleration sensor made by ANALOG DEVICES, ADXL202E. This is also very small only 4.5mm x 5mm. ADXL202E outputs PWM pulse as acceleration related data. F300 has PCA module (Programmable Counter/Timer Array) for three independent channels. In the project, two channels are used for PWM data input from ADXL202E as input capture function and another channel is used for 16Bit PWM Output as steering servo motor control.
F300 ADC is used for PSD(Sharp GP2D12) input. PSD output voltage range is from 0V to 2.6V. Every 38.3mS (typ.), PSD is updating output. So I set 20mS sampling time for PSD data processing but this is very slow sampling time because F300 has 500ksps capability.
Power consumption point of view, PSD is not so good because it spends 50mA (max.). DC motor is only 10mA (no load condition) and F300 and ADXL202E are only fee mA.
Wireless serial communication is not regular application. This is just for your reference.
I use AM-RT5-418(AM Hybrid Transmitter - RF Solutions) and AM-HRR3-418(AM Hybrid Receiver). It recommends 2400bps but I used it as 9600bps speed.
C8051F300 / Software
I'm using Keil C compiler for Software development. F300DK includes both hardware (evaluation board) and Keil software.
I couldn't finish the development (and never end ?) but followings are temporary results.
(a) PSD signal processing using ADC function
(b) Acceleration detection using G-sensor siganl to F300 PCA function
(c) Servo motor control using PCA PWM function
(d) DC motor speed control using F300 TIMER2 function
(e) Data transmit function using F300 UART0 and wireless TX module
C8051F300 Know-How (Programming tips)
(a)PCA 16bit Software Timer
F300/1/2/3 manual said in page 137;
Important Note About Capture/Compare Register: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0 Capture/Compare registers, the low byte should always be written first.
C compiler creates two byte code by opposite byte order. If I write C-code as below;
if ( CCF2 == 1){ // -------- Module 3 ------------------------
if ( pwm_period == 0 ){
PCA0CP2 = pwm_data;
CCF2 = 0; // For just in case
Keil C compiler creates following assembler code. This cannot follow the rule.
MOV PCA0CP2+01H,pwm_data
MOV PCA0CP2,pwm_data+01H
Then, I need to modify the source code as below.
if ( CCF2 == 1){ // -------- Module 3 ------------------------
if ( pwm_period == 0 ){
PCA0CPL2 = (unsigned char)pwm_data; // Set center position of servo data
PCA0CPH2 = (unsigned char)(pwm_data/256); // (need separate loading method !)
CCF2 = 0; // For just in case
Code is created as below.
MOV PCA0CPL2,pwm_data+01H
MOV A,pwm_data
This is okay. But I spent half day to recognize it.
(b) Priority Clossbar Decoder
This is also very important point to use F300 function. Points are;
・ F300 has crossbar function and need to recongnize which is via a crossbar which is NOT via clossbar
・ Need clear definition of each resources (UART,SMBus,SYSCLK,CP0 Output,PCA,T0&T1 and Port Latch data)
It very simple rule but during the debugging, it is very difficult to judge function setting miss or crossbar setting miss.
C8051F300 / Software Down Load
Control program for C8051(not finished yet)
------- Motocycle
C8051F300 / Reference
Please see overview area
C8051F300 / Acceleration sensor input
Data sheet(ANALOG DEVICES-ADXL202E) mentioned calculation method for acceleration sensor as follows.
// ADXL202 Acceleration data
// |<---data-->|
// |<---------period-------->| (data/period) - 50%
// _________ ________ g = ------------------------------
// | | | 12.5%
// ___| |________|
// t1 t2 t3 (PCA0 counter data)
// Overflow process is ignored ( only once is expected)
PCA0 module sets input capture mode with both rising and falling edge then measure free running counter data at t1, t2 and t3 timing ( you can see those part in the below as BLUE PART).
Free running counter is 16 bit length so it becomes overflow condition. Easy programming method is to match the data length of F300 PCA and PWM output of ADXL202E. ADXL202E has an adjusting function using Rset resister value change.
PCA0 clock sets as below.
void PCA0_Init (void)
PCA0CN = 0x40; // Enable PCA counter
PCA0MD = 0x09; // Sysclk/1, Enable Overflow int.
// overflow = 2^16 * 1/(24.5 * 1e6)
// = 2.675mS
PCA0CPM0 = 0x31; // Module0,
// Both edge mode, enable interrupt
PCA0CPM1 = 0x31; // Module1,
// Both edge mode, enable interrupt
PCA0CPM2 = 0xcb;// 16bit PWM mode, comparator function
// Enable interrupt
// PCA0CP2 = SRV_CNTR; // Center position of servo data
pwm_period = SRV_CNT_N;
This is maximum speed for the CPU. Rset is 200K ohm then PWM base period is;
period = Rset/125Mohm = 200kohm/125Mohm = 200 *1e3 / 125 * 1e6 = 0.0016 [sec] = 1.6 [msec]
I measured raw data from acceleration sensor using following test program.void show_acc_data( void )
unsigned int dt0, dt1;
if ( x_ready == 1){
EA = 0; // disable interrupts
dt0 = x_period;
dt1 = x_data;
EA = 1; // re-enable interrupts
PutCRLF(); // Display T = xxxxmS
PutStr("Txp= ");
// show_time_data( dt0 );
show_time_data( x_period );
PutStr("d= ");
// show_time_data( dt1 );
show_time_data( x_data );
x_ready = 0;
if ( y_ready == 1){
EA = 0; // disable interrupts
dt0 = y_period;
dt1 = y_data;
EA = 1; // re-enable interrupts
PutCRLF(); // Display T = xxxxmS
PutStr(" Typ= ");
// show_time_data( dt0 );
show_time_data( y_period );
PutStr("d= ");
// show_time_data( dt1 );
show_time_data( y_data );
y_ready = 0;
void show_time_data( unsigned int dt )
putchar(dt/10000 +'0'); // 10^4
dt = dt - (( dt / 10000 ) * 10000);
putchar(dt/1000 + '0'); // 10^3
dt = dt - (( dt / 1000 ) * 1000);
putchar(dt/100 + '0'); // 10^2
dt = dt - (( dt / 100 ) * 100);
putchar(dt/10 + '0'); // 10^1
putchar(dt%10 + '0'); // 10^0
PutStr(" mS ");
Using this program, I calculated measured data as Here. Average data is 36,893.
period = 36893 * (2.675msec/ 2^16) = 36893 * (2.675*1e-3/65536) = 36893 * 40.817 * 1e-9 = 1505.87 [usec] = 1.506 [msec]
If I use this value, free running counter overflow is zero or once per measurement. Then we don't need to consider overflow itself. We can just calculate it using unsigned 16bit data.
static unsigned int
t1_x, // Rising edge data for starting
t2_x, // Falling edge data
t3_x, // Rising edge data for ending
t1_y, // Same rule as X-axis
void PCA0_ISR (void) interrupt 9 using 3
if ( CF == 1 ){ // -------- PCA0 Overflow -------------------
if ( CCF1 == 1 ){ // -------- Module1 -------------------------
if (X_IN == 1){ // Measure rising edge data
t3_x = PCA0CP1; // Read caputure data from Module0
x_period = t3_x - t1_x; // Calculate cyclic time
x_data = t2_x - t1_x; // Calculate acceleration data
t1_x = t3_x; // Save data for next mesurement
x_ready = 1; // Set ready flag
} else { // Mesure falling egde data
t2_x = PCA0CP1; // Read caputure data from Module0
CCF1 = 0; // Clear interrupt source
if ( CCF0 == 1 ){ // -------- Module2 --Same as Module1 -------
Normalization is in here as "calcu" sheet.
// Normalization of Acceleration Data
// G = (data/period -50%) / 12.5% [G]
// = (data/period * 100 - 50) / 12.5 [G]
// = (data/period * 100 - 50) * 1000 / 12.5 [mG]
// = (data/period * 100 * 1000 - 50 * 1000) / 12.5 [mG]
// = data * 1000 * 10 / period * 100 / 125 - 50*1000 / 12.5 [mG]
// = data * 10000 / period * 100 / 125 - 4000 [mG]
void nor_acc_data( void )
unsigned int dt0, dt1;
if ( x_ready == 1){
EA = 0; // disable interrupts
dt0 = x_period;
dt1 = x_data;
EA = 1; // re-enable interrupts
x_g =(int)((unsigned long)dt1 * 10000L / (unsigned long)dt0 * 100 / 125) - 4000;
x_ready = 0;
if ( y_ready == 1){
EA = 0; // disable interrupts
dt0 = y_period;
dt1 = y_data;
EA = 1; // re-enable interrupts
y_g =(int)((unsigned long)dt1 * 10000L / (unsigned long)dt0 * 100 / 125) - 4000;
y_ready = 0;
Collection of normalized data is here (Sheet 0429_data_1 & 0429_data_2). Result is below.
X1 Y1 X2 Y2
Ave -75.37 -1082.40 870.33 -185.28
Shiguma 6.83 7.70 8.21 10.62
Max -60.00 -1058.00 897.00 -161.00
Min -113.00 -1105.00 848.00 -219.00
Diff 53.00 47.00 49.00 58.00
DATA 0.00 -1000.00 1000.00 0.00
C8051F300 / PWM setup for Servo Motor
I'm using following servo motor.
・Company: Grand Wing Servo-tech Co.,Ltd.
・Web: http://www.grandwing.com(I couldn't reach the Web site)
・Type: PICO F/BB
Neutral position needs 1500 microS active pulse width. PCA0 cannot set clock source three channels independently. PCA0 already uses for PWM input capture for acceleration sensor. So PCA0 Channel #1 also needs to use same clock and use for 16bit PWM output. Servo motor is well designed for only affect active pulse width. We can keep cyclic period around 15mS to 20mS.
Cyclic period is controlled by software with rough accuracy. RED PART is PWM setting and BULE PART is overflow control.
void PCA0_Init (void)
PCA0CN = 0x40; // Enable PCA counter
PCA0MD = 0x09; // Sysclk/1, Eable Overflow int.
// overflow = 2^16 * 1/(24.5 * 1e6)
// = 2.675mS
PCA0CPM0 = 0x31; // Module0,
// Both edge mode, enable interrupt
PCA0CPM1 = 0x31; // Module1,
// Both edge mode, enable interrupt
PCA0CPM2 = 0xcb;// 16bit PWM mode, comparator function
// Enable interrupt
// PCA0CP2 = SRV_CNTR; // Center position of servo data
pwm_period = SRV_CNT_N;
PWM data is only for active pulse width as mentioned before. Max and Min data is very important for the servo motor because over range will be made a damage for plastic gear in the motor. I broke one servo motor during debugging. You are better to minimize following data as small as you can.
#define SRV_CNTR 36750 // 1.5mS * 24.5MHz = 39200 counts
#define SRV_MIN 19600 // 0.8mS * 24.5MHz = 19600 counts
#define SRV_MAX 58800 // 2.4mS * 24.5MHz = 58800 counts
Following is debug program. PSD data connects servo motor data then you can check with you hand front of PSD.
// Show ADC data
// Vref = VDD = 3.28V
// Scale = 3.28 * 255/256 /256 [V/bit]
// = 3.28 * 255/256 /256 * 1000 * 1000 [mV/bit]
// = 12813 *255/256 [mV/bit]
// = 12763 [mV/bit]
void show_anlg_data( void )
long volt_dt; // ADC data (mV)
unsigned int dt;
EA = 0; // disable interrupts
volt_dt = acc_ana;
EA = 1; // re-enable interrupts
volt_dt = (volt_dt * 12763L) / 64000L;
show_volt_data( (unsigned int)volt_dt );
// ********** DEBUG *********** //
dt = SRV_MIN + (unsigned int)volt_dt * 14;
if ( dt > SRV_MAX ){
dt = SRV_MAX;
} else if ( dt < SRV_MIN ){
dt = SRV_MIN;
pwm_data = dt;
Overflow condition is controlled by following program.
#define SRV_CNT_N 6 // Servo PWM cycle counter
void PCA0_ISR (void) interrupt 9 using 3
if ( CF == 1 ){ // -------- PCA0 Overflow -------------------
if ( pwm_period == 0 ){
pwm_period = SRV_CNT_N;
} else {
CF = 0; // Clear Overflow flag
if ( CCF1 == 1 ){ // -------- Module1 -------------------------
CCF1 = 0; // Clear interrupt source
if ( CCF0 == 1 ){ // -------- Module2 --Same as Module1 -------
CCF0 = 0;
if ( CCF2 == 1){ // -------- Module 3 ------------------------
if ( pwm_period == 0 ){
PCA0CPL2 = (unsigned char)pwm_data; // Set center position of servo data
PCA0CPH2 = (unsigned char)(pwm_data/256); // (need separate loading method !)
// PCA0CP2 = SRV_CNTR; // Don't use this command !!
} else {
PCA0CPL2 = 0; // Set center position of servo data
PCA0CPH2 = 0; // (need separate load !)
CCF2 = 0; // For just in case
In the program, six interval is counted (RED PART) then if it's zero, PWM interrupt is enable to set active pulse (BLUE PART). We can set 19mS (2.675mSec * 7 = 18.725mSec).