Revision Note for the list by composer and work of Elly Ameling Discography

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Version Date of revision  Notes
 Ver.148E Feb.18,2025  Added Elly's Esseentials (No.10) "Elementary School" (Brahms:O wüsst ich doch den Weg züruck, Op.63-8) {YouTube}
Ver.147E   Feb.12,2025 Added the following 2 items. 
(1) Elly's Essentials (No.8) "Minimal Music" (Richard Strauss: Beim Schlafengehen) {YouTube}
(2) Elly’s Essentials (No.9) “Bliss” (Duke Ellington: In a sentimental mood) {YouTube
Ver.146E  Jan.4,2025  Added the following 2 items.
(1)  Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.9) – Schubert: Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt D.877/1 {YouTube}
(2) Elly’s Essentials (No.7) “Publicity” (Wolf: In der Frühe) {YouTube
 Ver.145E  Oct.15,2024  Added the following 2 items.
(1) Elly's Esseitials (No.6) "Eulopian Civilization" (Handel: “E pur cosi in un giorno ~ Piangerò la sorte mia”)
(2) Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.8) "Schubert - Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt"
Ver.144E  Oct.1,2024  Added Elly's Essentials (No.5) "Influencer" onYouTube (Wolf: Rat einer Alten) 
 Ver.143E Sep.28,2024  Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on "C’est l’extase" by Faure and Debussy (Musings on Music by Elly Ameling (No.7)).  
 Ver.142.2E Sep.25,2924  Added newly degitalized recording (CD2, CD10, CD19, CD20, CD28, CD29) in 29 CD set "Elly Ameling - The Philips Recitals"(DECCA-484 4125) .
Added CD4 in 20 CD set "Elly Ameling Bach Edition" (DECCA-484 4722)
(Also revised List by Label "Philips")
 Ver.142.1E  Sep.10,2024 Added recording of LP "Mendelssohn Lieder" uploaded on Channel "Elly Ameling" in YouTube. 
 Ver.142E  Sep.9,2024  Added "Hollandse Helden deel 4" and "Hollandse Helden deel 5" on YouTube.
 Ver.141E Sep.3,2024   Added Elly'Essentials (No.4) "Beauty" on YouTube. (Im Abendrot D.799 by Schubert
 Ver.140E Sep.2,2024  Added Elly's Essentials (No.3) "25year old Toyota" on YouTube. (Die Götter Griechenlands  D.677 by Schubert)   
 Ver.139E  Aug.24,2024  Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on "L’indifférent" in Shéhérazade by Ravel (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.6)))
Ver.138E  Aug.20,2024   Added  Elly’s Essentials (No.2) “I-A” on YouTube.
("Lob des hohen Verstandes" by Mahler)
 Ver.137E  Aug.15,2024 Added  Elly's Essentials: "Why so few particular features" on YouTube. 
("Die Melodien zieht es mir" Op.105-1 by Brhams)
 Ver,136E Aug.13,2024  Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on "La flûte enchantée" in Shéhérazade by Ravel (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling(No.5))
 Ver.135E Aug.10,2024  Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on
"In der Fremde" Op.39-8 by Schumann (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.3)), and
"Waldesgespräch" Op. 39-3 by Schumann (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling(No.4)).
 Ver.134E Aug.6,2024  Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on "In der Fremde" Op.39-1 by Schumann (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.2)). 
 Ver.133E  Jul.27,2024 Added the recital at Kaufmann Concert Hall, Newyork, uploaded on  YouTube
 Ver.132E Jul.24, 2024 Added Operetta "Fortunio" by Messager , uploaded on YouTube
 Ver.131E Jul.12,2023  Added following LP's.
Radio Nederland-86119/20 (Mozart: K.433, K.596)
Radio Nederland-84023/24 (Mozart: K.165) 
 Ver.130E  May 17,2024 Add LP (BRAIGI-6802941) containing Mozart Requiem K.626 with Groninger Studenten Muziekgezelschap Bragi, conducted by Alfred Salten.
 Ver.129E Apr.27,2024 Added Oratori "Theodora" by Handel uploaded on YouTube
 Ver.128E  Mar.30,2024 (1) Added the video and explanation by Elly Ameling about Uji in Kyoto.
(2) Added the explanation and analysis by Elly Ameling on "Botschaft" Op.47-1 by Brahms (Musing on Music by Elly Ameling (No.1)) .
 Ver.127E Mar.6,2024  Added Mahler Symphony No.4 in 1963 subscription Consert. 
 Ver.126E  Feb.22,2024 Added Christmass song "Nu Syt wellecome" uploaded on YouTube
 Ver.125E  Jan.26,2024 Add 3 Lieder composed by Wolf with Felix de Nobel,
1. "Ach, des Knaben Augen"
2. "Die ihr schwebet"
3. "Schlafendes Jesuskind"
 Ver.124E Dec.16,2023  Add  "Elly Ameling on Frank Martin - in conversation with Rien de Reede" on YouTube.
 Ver.123E Nov.8,2023  Add Arias K.217 and K.486 by Mozart uploaded on YouTube. 
 Ver.122E  Sep.23,2023 Add "Spring Symphony" by Britten, performed with London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Haitink, uploaded on YouTube. 
Ver.121.1E   Jul.29,2023 Add two performances with Ferix de Nobel, uploaded on YouTube.
(1) Det første møded by Grieg, Op.21-1
(2) Die Liebende schreibt by mendelssohn, Op.86-3
 Ver.121E   (1) Add the following works webcasted by Deutschlandfunk on Feb.9,2023
a) Steffan: Starbat Mater
b) Hayden: Eine sehr gewöhnliche Geschichte” Hob.XX VIa:4
(2) Add following works archived in Beeld en Beluid.
a) Julius Röntogen: Holland
b) Johannes Worp: Wat zou dat zyn
c) Hendrik van Oort: fideldom
d) Julius Röntogen: Ik weeteen molenarinneke
e) Nederlandse Volkslied: Het loze vissertje
d) Marinus van't Woud: Slapen gaan
f) Hendrika van Tussenbroek: Myn kerelken
 Ver.120E  Apr.21,2023 (!) Add Cantata No.36 by J.S.Bach on YouTube 
(2) Add aria in "Dido and Aeneas" by Purecell and "Trois chants de Noel" by Martin in "De Kleine Zaal om de hoek "
 Ver.119E Apr.7,2023  Add followings in Videoportret Elly Ameling (Podium Klassiek Extraのwebcasted on Feb.13, 2023 by NPO.
a)  Rezitativ “Er hat uns allen wohlgetan” and Arie “Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben” in Matthäus-Passion by J. S. Bach performed with Residentie-Orkest conducted by Charles de Wolff.

b) "Internationaal Elly Ameling Concours" TV broadcasted in 1988, including Haydn: The Mermaid Song, Hob. XXVIa
Brahms: Feldeinsamkeit, Op. 86-2
Hugo Wolf: Verborgenheit
Duparc: Romance de Mignon
Brahms: Vergebliches Ständchen, Op. 84-4

c) "Friends for Life Gala in 1992, including
Mozart: Abendempfindung, K. 523
Schubert: Lachen und Weinen, D 777
Schubert: Auf dem Wasser zu singen, D 774
Schubert: Die Götter Griechenlands, D 677
 Ver.118E Mar.25,2023  Add followings in Videoportret Elly Ameling (Podium Klassiek Extraのwebcasted on Feb.13, 2023 by NPO.
a) “Elly Ameling arriveert in Concertgebouw en leidt haar eigen programma in.
b) "Villancico de Córdoba" aranged by Nin
 Ver.117E  Mar.9,2023 Add "Ave Maria" D 839 by Schubert with Dalton Boldwin, in Videoportret Elly Ameling (Podium Klassiek Extra) webcasted on Feb.13,2023
 Ver.116E Mar.3,2023  Add "Die Kartenlegerin" Op.31-2 by Schumann with arranged text by Fons Jansen, webcasted by "concertzender" on Feb.12, 2023.
 Ver.11E  Mar.1,2023 Add Mozart K.374 with Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks conducted by Zdeněk Mácal, webcasted by BR-KLASSIK on Feb.8,2023. 
 Ver.114E Jan.14,2023  Add Cantata No.132 by J.S. Bach on YouTube. 
 Ver.113E Nov.1,2022  Add "Holland"by  Röntgen
 Ver.112E Oct.11,2022  Add "Italienisches Liederbuch" by Wolf uploaded on YouTube, performed with Felix de Nobel.
 Ver.111E Jun.21,2022  Add  written matiarial "Some Thoughts on the Heart of Art Song, by Elly Ameling” by Carolyn Hart"
 Ver.110E  Jun.7,2022 -Add interview with Martijn Jas written in “Rotterdam Evalt ” [ISBN 90-77325-11-5].
- Add "Sagt ihm, dass er zu mir komme" in Spanisches Liederbuch by Wolf. 
 Ver.109E Feb.8,2022 Add "Kerstwesen"by Ameling uploaded on Dutch Website "Concert Zender".
(Reading of the poem "Nöel des enfants qui n’ont plus de maison" by Debussy)
 Ver.108E Jan.11,2022  Add Cantata BWV202 by Bach on YouTube with  elementi dell'Orchestra Alessandro Scarlatti di Napoli della Rai conducted by Massimo Pradella. 
Ver.107E  Jan.7, 2022 Add recording at  Vredenburg concert hall on Oct.6,1985,uplaoded to YouTube.
- Turina "Cantares"
- Ellington "Sophisticated Lady"
 Ver.106E  Nov.5,2021 Add French Broadcast in 1985 uploaded to YouTube.
-Faure "Bonne Chanson" Op.61(excerpt)
-Ravel "3 Poèms de Stéphane Mallarmé"
-Schubert: D. 799, D. 193, D. 922, D. 191 D. 775, D. 828, D.965 
 Ver.105E Sep.18,2021  Add aria “Vado, ma dove? oh Dei!” K.583 by Mozart performed at Das Mozartfest Würzburg in 1973. 
 Ver.104E Sep.17,2021  Add Kirye in “Krönungsmesse” by Mozart  performed in the coronation ceremony of Qween Beatrix.
Ver.103E   Sep.2,2021  Add CD(Domenus-71) including the master class with Jörg Demus.
 Ver.102E Jul.27,2021  Add "Four Last Songs" by R. Strauss, performed with Rotterdam Philharmonic conducted by Edo de Waart up loaded in YouTube.
 Ver.101E  Jul.25,2021 Add 12 quartette and duette by Brhams uplaoded in YouTube.
Ver.100.1E   May 18,2021 Error corretion 
 Ver.100E Feb.19,2021  (1) Add performances with Orpheus Chamber Orchesrta on YouTube.
-Aria "Armatae face" from “Juditha triumphans” by Vivaldi (segment)
-Aria "O, del mio dolce ardor" from ”Paride ed Elene” by Gluck"(segment)
(2) Add performances with Mostory Mozart Festival Orchestra on YouTube
- Salieri Aria “Non temer che d'altri” from “La fiera di Venezia”
- Mozart Aria  “Voi avete un cor fedele” K.217
 Ver.99E Feb.9,2021  Add Ameling's coment about Orpheus Chamber Orchestra on YouTube. 
 Ver.98E  Jan.5,2021 Add Cantata BWV199 by Bach on YouTube with  elementi dell'Orchestra Alessandro Scarlatti di Napoli della Rai conducted by Massimo Pradella.
 Ver.97E Sep.18,2020  Add "Requiem" by Faure and "Te Deum" by Verdi at the concert with Radio Filharmonisch Orkest conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini in 1963.
Also add the inteview with respect to above peroformance of Requiem.
 Ver.96E Aug.8,2020  Add duet  "Ah, guarda, sorella" in "Cosi fan tutte" by Mozart, recorded in 1958 ande uploaded on YouTube.
 Ver.95 May 16,2020  Add recording (SWR2) of the masterclass at Musikhochschule Stuttgart held in Octoreber 2019.
Add links to the site (France Musique) of recording of recital at Salle Pleyell, Paris held in November, 1982. (16 songs out of 24 songs broadcasted in the past)
 Ver94E. Apr.28,2020  Add Bach Cantata, BWV.32, conducted by Hermann Schroeder. 
 Ver.93E Apr.24,2020  Add 4 arias from Bach "Matthaus Passion" conducted by Hein Jordans, recorded in 1971 (YouTube). (No.8, No.13, No.27a, No.49)  
 Ver.92E Apr.18,2020  Add Bach "Matthäus Passion" conducted by Hein Jordans, recorded in 1965 (YouTube).
 Ver.91E Apr.7,2020  Add recitativo and aria in "Idomeneo" by Mozart recorded in 1970, uplaoded in YouTube.
Ver.90E  Mar.31,2020 Add 15 YouTube videos "Some Thoughts on the Heart of Art Song, by Elly Ameling " in the item "Master Class". 
 Ver.89E Mar.27,2020  Add  "Ich will dir mein Herze schenken" in Matthäus-Passion  by Brabants Orkest (YouTube). 
 Ver.88E  Jan.22,2020 Add Cantata by Bach on YouTube. 
 Ver.87.1E  Dec.6,2019 Add LP live-recorded in 22nd Aldeburgh Festival (BBC-CN1036/S). (Mozart K.165 and Mahler's two songs from "Der Knabe Wunderhorn"). These recordings are also included in two CD's (BBC-BBCB8005-2 と BBC-BBCB8004-2). 
 Ver.87E Oct.29,2019  Add Cantata by Bach : BWV.106 uplaoded on YouTube. 
 Ver.86E Sep.20,2019  Add Cantatas by Bach : BWV.24, BWV.70 and BWV.96 (YouTube). 
 Ver.85E Aug.16,2019   - Add
Moederke aleen
by Hullebroeck
- Add Nederlandse Volkslied "Het kwezelken".
 Ver.84.1E Jul.19,2019   - Add CD [DG-4798000(CD-88)] including Bach Kantate BWV.52,84 and 209) by Leppard, which are includes only in the LP.
- Add LP (Radio Nederland-84049) including “Exsultate, jubilate o vos animae beatae” K.165 by Zinman, which is Webcasted by NPO Radio 4 on Jan.7,2008.
 Ver.84E Jun.14,2019  - Add interview with Aart van der Wal (May, 2019).
- Add interview with Mischa Spel(May 15, 2019)
 Ver.83E Jun.1,2019  -Add interview with John C. Tibbetts in the book "Performing Music History"
-Add interview with Ivor Humphreys in the magazine "Hi-Fi News & Record Review"
 Ver.82E  Mar.20,2019 - Add  "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" in Matthäus-Passion  by Brabants Orkest (YouTube).
- Add interview about Internationaal Liedfestival Zeist (YouTube).
 Ver.81E Feb.21,2019  - Add  Masterclass van Elly Ameling, tijdens het ILFZ (Internationaal Liedfestival Zeist, mei 2018)
- "Meeres Stille" by Schuert recorded in Hyperion CD is the first version D.215a, not second version D.216, then so corrected.
 Ver.80E Nov.25,2018  - Add Berlioz "Les nuits d’été" by Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra.
- Add J.S. Bach Cantata BWV.202 by Amsterdamse Bachsolisten .
- Add conversation with Evert Jan Nagtegaal webcasted by Concertzender.
Ver.79E  Jul.26,2018 Add the reciatal in Aix en Provence Festival 1983(Nuit spéciale France Musique
 Ver.78.1E  Jul.2,2018 Minor error correction 
 Ver.78E Jun.16,2018  Add  conversation with Jellie Brouwer webcasted by NPO Radio 1
Ver.77E  Mar.23,2018  Add Interview by Podium Witteman (Webcasted)
 Ver.76E Jan.8,2018  Add the video of the master class in IVC 2017 
 Ver.75E Nov.2,2017  - Add "Klein klein kleuterken" by Worp (Webcasted by Radio-4, NPO, on Sep.9, 2017) 
Ver.74E   Aug.21,2017 - Add Schubert Recital in 1980 at Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, Japan (NHK FM) 
- Add recital in 1992 at Tsuda Hall, Tokyo (NHK FM)
- Add recital in 1987 at Suntory Hall, Tokyo(NHK FM) including 2 encore pieces by Nin, which were not included in the TV broadcasting of the recital.
 Ver.73E  Aug.5,2017 - Add Schubert Recital in 1978  Festival van Vlaanderen.
- Add Part3, No.2 of Spring Symphony by Britten on YouTube.
 Ver.72E  Jun.19,2017 - Add Mahler Symphony No.4 by  Utrechts Stedelijk Orkest conducted by Paul Hupperts (YouTube)
- Add the interview in Leeds Lieder Festival 2016(YouTube).
- Add  thr interview in the masterclass at the International Hugo Wolf Academie (SWR2)
- Add Ravel and Wolf in Helsinki Festival 1975 (NHK FM).
 Ver.71E Apr.29,2017  - Add interview report in the Record Geijyutu (Apr, 1972).
- Add interview report in Ongaku no Tomo (Jun. 1996). 
- Add Mahler Symphony No.4 by Orquesta de RTVE conducted by Sergiu Comissiona (YouTube).
- Add J.S. Bach : Messe in h-moll by Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini (RAI Radio 5 Classica). 
 Ver.70E Jan,23,2017  - Add Maler Symphony No.4 with Rafael Kubelik in 1963 Holland Festival (YouTube).
- Minor error correction. 
 Ver.69E Jan.5,2017  Add "Interview and Conversation (Written Material)" 
Ver.68E  Sep.7,2016  Add " A Conversation with Bruce Duffie".
Ver.67E  Aug.6,2016  Restore omission (2 items).
Minor error correcions.
Ver.66E   Jul.9,2016  Add two songs by Catharina van Rennes, Dutch folk song (Oene van Sneek ) and anonymous one song(Maritje) (Beeld en Geluid-6426566)
Add interview in Spain(Radio Clásica ,tve).
 Ver.65.1E May 13,2016  Minor error correction. 
 Ver.65E Apr.6,2016  The first original language version.