$B%(%/%;%k(B $B%j%9%H(B01
How to find data in an Excel table
step-by-step article describes how to find data in a table (or range of cells)
by using various built-in functions in Microsoft Excel.
$B$3$N;qNA$G$O!"(BExcel $B$N$5$^$6$^$JAH$_9~$_4X?t$r;HMQ$7$F!"%F!<%V%k(B ($B$^$?$OFCDj$N%;%kHO0O(B) $B$K$"$k%G!<%?$r8!:w$9$kJ}K!$K$D$$$F!"
can use different formulas to get the same result.
Create the Sample Worksheet
This article uses a sample worksheet to illustrate
Excel's built-in functions,
$B$3$N;qNA$G$O!"%5%s%W%k$N%o!<%/%7!<%H$r;HMQ$7$F!"(BExcel $B$NAH$_9~$_4X?t$K$D$$$F@bL@$7$^$9!#(B
for example referencing a name from column A and returning the age of that
person from column C.
$B$3$3$G$O$=$NNc$H$7$F!"Ns(B A $B$K$"$kL>A0$r;2>H$7$F!"$=$N?MJ*$NG/Np$rNs(B C $B$+$iJV$9=hM}$r9T$$$^$9!#(B
To create this worksheet, enter the following data into a blank Excel
$B$3$N%o!<%/%7!<%H$r:n@.$9$k$K$O!"6uGr$N(B Excel $B%o!<%/%7!<%H$K0J2<$N%G!<%?$rF~NO$7$F$/$@$5$$!#(B
You will type the value that you want to find into
cell E2. You can type the formula in any blank cell in the same worksheet.
$B8!:w$9$kCM$O!"(BE2 $B%;%k$KF~NO$7$^$9!#F1$8%o!<%/%7!<%H$N6uGr$N%;%k$G$"$l$P!"$I$N%;%k$G$b<0$rF~NO$G$-$^$9!#(B
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
1 |
Name |
Dept |
Age |
Find Value |
2 |
$B;30*(B |
$B1D6H(B |
28 |
$B6LG,(B |
3 |
$B@8U*(B |
$BAmL3(B |
19 |
4 |
$B6LG,(B |
$B7PM}(B |
22 |
5 |
$B>.>>:Z(B |
$B3+H/(B |
29 |