




$B!{#1(B $B9TL\$N;z2<$2!"(B
$B!{#2(B $B9TL\0J9_$N9TF,$N$V$i2<$2B7$(!"(B
Indent paragraphs


To change the indentation of text, do one of the following:
To change the indentation of text, do one of the following:
$B-!9=J8$O!"(B$BI{;l6g(B $B!\(B $BF0;l!J(BV$B!K(B $B!\(B $BL\E*8l!J(BO$B!K(B$B$NL?NaJ8$G$9!#(B


1 $B9TL\$N;z2<$2$r@_Dj$9$k(B
Create a first-line indent

1.     $B%$%s%G%s%H$r@_Dj$9$kCJMn$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
Select the paragraph you want to indent.
$BF0;l!J(BV$B!K(B $B!\(B $BL\E*8l!J(BO$B!K(B $B!\(B $B7AMF;l@a(B$B$NL?NaJ8$G$9!#(B

2.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B$B$,I=<($5$l$F$$$J$$>l9g$O!"(B[$BI=<((B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B%k!<%i!<(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
If you don't see the horizontal ruler, click Ruler on the View menu.
($B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B : $BJ8=q%&%#%s%I%&$N>eIt$KI=<($5$l$kL\@9$j$NIU$$$?%P!
(horizontal ruler: A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window.)

3.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<>e$G(B [1 $B9TL\$N%$%s%G%s%H(B] $B%^!<%+!<$r!"J8;zNs$r3+;O$9$k0LCV$^$G!J1&B&$X!K%I%i%C%0$7$^$9!#(B
On the horizontal ruler, drag the First Line Indent marker to the position where you want the text to start.

////   $B"$(B


1 $B9TL\$N%$%s%G%s%H$r@53N$K@_Dj$9$k$K$O!"(B[$B%$%s%G%s%H$H9T4V3V(B] $B%?%V(B ([$B=q<0(B] - [$BCJMn(B]) $B$G%*%W%7%g%s$r;XDj$7$^$9!#(B
For more precision in setting a first-line indent, you can select options on the Indents and Spacing tab (Format menu, Paragraph command).

[$B%$%s%G%s%H(B] $B$N(B [$B:G=i$N9T(B] $B%\%C%/%9$N0lMw$G(B [$B;z2<$2(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7!"$=$NB>$N%*%W%7%g%s$r@_Dj$7$^$9!#(B
In the Special list under Indentation, click First line, and then set the other options you want.


Increase or decrease the left indent of an entire paragraph

1.     $BJQ99$9$kCJMn$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
Select the paragraph you want to change.

2.     [$B=q<0@_Dj(B] $B%D!<%k%P!<(B$B$N(B Button image ($B%$%s%G%s%H(B) $B$^$?$O(B Button image ($B%$%s%G%s%H2r=|(B) $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
On the Formatting toolbar, click Increase Indent Button imageor Decrease Indent Button image.
($B%D!<%k%P!<(B : $B%3%^%s%I$r
(toolbar: A bar with buttons and options that you use to carry out commands. To display a toolbar, click Customize on the Tools menu, and then click the Toolbars tab.)

3.     $B%$%s%G%s%H$,!"@_Dj$5$l$F$$$k$B%?%V(B$B0LCV$^$G0\F0$7$^$9!#%$%s%G%s%H$N0LCV$rJQ99$9$k>l9g!":G=i$KJL$N%?%V$r@_Dj$7$F$*$/$3$H$b$G$-$^$9!#(B
Microsoft Word increases the indent by one tab stop. If you want to change the position of the indent, you can first set a different tab stop.
($B%?%V0LCV(B : $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<>e$KI=<($5$l$k%?%V$N0LCV!#%F%-%9%H$r$I$3$^$G%$%s%G%s%H$9$k$+!"$^$?$O%F%-%9%H$NNs$r$I$3$+$i;O$a$k$+$r<($7$^$9!#(B)
(tab stop: A location on the horizontal ruler that indicates how far to indent text or where to begin a column of text.)
////   $B"$(B


Change the right indent of an entire paragraph

1.     $BJQ99$9$kCJMn$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
Select the paragraph you want to change.

2.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B$B$,I=<($5$l$F$$$J$$>l9g$O!"(B[$BI=<((B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B%k!<%i!<(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
If you don't see the horizontal ruler, click Ruler on the View menu.
($B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B : $BJ8=q%&%#%s%I%&$N>eIt$KI=<($5$l$kL\@9$j$NIU$$$?%P!
(horizontal ruler: A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window.)

3.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<>e$N(B [$B1&%$%s%G%s%H(B] $B%^!<%+!<$r!"CJMn$r=*N;$9$k0LCV$^$G%I%i%C%0$7$^$9!#(B
On the horizontal ruler, drag the Right Indent marker to the position where you want the text to end.
$B"+(B  ////


Tab $B%-!<$r;H$C$F%$%s%G%s%H$r@_Dj$9$k(B
Set an indent by using the TAB key

1.     [$B%D!<%k(B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B%*!<%H%3%l%/%H$N%*%W%7%g%s(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7!"(B[$BF~NO%*!<%H%U%)!<%^%C%H(B] $B%?%V$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

2.     [$BF~NOCf$K<+F0$G9T$&=hM}(B] $B$N(B [Tab/Space/BackSpace $B%-!<$G%$%s%G%s%H$H%?%V$N@_Dj$rJQ99$9$k(B] $B%A%'%C%/(B $B%\%C%/%9$r%*%s$K$7$^$9!#(B
Under Automatically as you type, select the Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces check box.

3.     $BCJMn$N:G=i$N9T$N%$%s%G%s%H$r@_Dj$9$k$K$O!"$=$N9T$N@hF,$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
To indent the first line of a paragraph, click in front of the line.

$BCJMnA4BN$N%$%s%G%s%H$r@_Dj$9$k$K$O!"(B2 $B9TL\0J9_$N$$$:$l$+$N9T$N@hF,$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
To indent an entire paragraph, click in front of any line but the first line.

4.     Tab $B%-!<$r2!$7$^$9!#(B
Press the TAB key.

$B%a%b(B $B%$%s%G%s%H$r:o=|$9$k$K$O!"%+!<%=%k$r0\F0$9$kA0$K(B BackSpace $B%-!<$r2!$9$+!"(B[$BJT=8(B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B85$KLa$9(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
Note To remove the indent, press BACKSPACE before moving the insertion point. You can also click Undo on the Edit menu.


Create a hanging indent

1.     $B$V$i2<$2%$%s%G%s%H(B$B$r@_Dj$9$kCJMn$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
Select the paragraph in which you want to create a hanging indent
($B$V$i2<$2%$%s%G%s%H(B : $BCJMn$N(B 2 $B9TL\0J9_$r(B 1 $B9TL\$h$j$b1&B&$K2<$2$kCJMn=q<0!#(B
(hanging indent: Paragraph formatting in which the second and subsequent lines of a paragraph are indented more than the first line.
Common uses for the hanging indent are bulleted and numbered lists.).

2.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B$B$,I=<($5$l$F$$$J$$>l9g$O!"(B[$BI=<((B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B%k!<%i!<(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
If you don't see the horizontal ruler, click Ruler on the View menu.
($B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B : $BJ8=q%&%#%s%I%&$N>eIt$KI=<($5$l$kL\@9$j$NIU$$$?%P!
(horizontal ruler: A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window.)

3.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<$G!"$V$i2<$2%$%s%G%s%H(B $B%^!<%+!<$r%$%s%G%s%H$N3+;O0LCV$K%I%i%C%0$7$^$9!#(B
On the horizontal ruler, drag the Hanging Indent marker to the position at which you want the indent to start.
////   $B"$(B


$B$V$i2<$2%$%s%G%s%H$r@53N$K@_Dj$9$k>l9g$O!"(B[$B%$%s%G%s%H$H9T4V3V(B] $B%?%V(B ([$B=q<0(B] - [$BCJMn(B]) $B$r;HMQ$7$^$9!#(B
For more precision in setting a hanging indent, use the Indents and Spacing tab (Format menu, Paragraph command).

[$B%$%s%G%s%H(B] $B$N(B [$B:G=i$N9T(B] $B%\%C%/%9$N0lMw$G(B [$B$V$i2<$2(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7!"(B[$BI}(B] $B%\%C%/%9$G$V$i2<$2%$%s%G%s%H$NI}$r;XDj$7$^$9!#(B
In the Special list under Indentation, select Hanging. In the By box, set the amount of space for the hanging indent.


Create a negative indent

1.     $B:8M>Gr$^$G3HD%$9$kCJMn$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
Select the paragraph you want to extend into the left margin.

2.     $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B$B$,I=<($5$l$F$$$J$$>l9g$O!"(B[$BI=<((B] $B%a%K%e!<$N(B [$B%k!<%i!<(B] $B$r%/%j%C%/$7$^$9!#(B
If you don't see the horizontal ruler, click Ruler on the View menu.
($B?eJ?%k!<%i!<(B : $BJ8=q%&%#%s%I%&$N>eIt$KI=<($5$l$kL\@9$j$NIU$$$?%P!
(horizontal ruler: A bar marked off in units of measure (such as inches) that is displayed across the top of the document window.)

3.      $B?eJ?%k!<%i!<>e$G(B [$B:8%$%s%G%s%H(B] $B%^!<%+!<$r!"CJMn$r3+;O$9$k0LCV$^$G%I%i%C%0$7$^$9!#(B
On the horizontal ruler, drag the Left Indent marker to the position where you want the paragraph to start.
////   $B"$(B