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Dec. 29 Fuh, yuh and Yottyan Mt. Fuji

Two months ago we went to Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan. It is said to be the holy mountain, that is, the mountain God lives.
Taking a look at some photos of Mt.Fuji we had sent, our friend said, " They remind me of Princess Mononoke."

Mt.Fuji "Fuh, look over there!"

"Oh, we came in sight of Mt. Fuji."
Mt.Fuji with clouds "Mt. Fuji came near to us."

"No, we approached Mt. Fuji."


               "Fuh, don't you think it is mysterious?"

                      "Yes, indeed!"
Yuh sniffs at somthing "Yuh, what are you doing?"

"Sh, I feel somthing being around here. We may be able to meet Princess Mononoke. Let's find her"
             Fuh looks worried "I am scared. It might be better to be
hiding here."
Yuh is trying to find her. "Do as you like. I'll find her myself.
I know curiosity makes our life rich
Ah! something is moving"

 a dog fuh and yuh met there

Is she Princess Mononoke?
She seems to be a Shih Tzu in every point.

Unfortunately we couldn't meet Princess Mononoke, but we are going to visit Mt.Fuji again during New year holidays, when it wiil be covered with snow and there's a chance that we may meet her.

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