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        Click on each date.
 Date      Title
Mar. 28 A naughty boy came to see us
Mar. 24 Water, water, water!
Mar. 20 Go to Hush puppies' castle
Mar. 17 Birthday is a wonderful day
Mar. 15 Friends come from a distance

Mar. 28 Rocky Fuh Yuh 1 A naughty boy came
to see us

   Rocky Fuh Yuh 2 Rocky-kun living nearby came to
see us.
This spring I became one year
old, so I tried to show how to
behave as a senior.
First lesson was the way of a greeting.
Rocky Fuh Yuh 3 All my advice passed right by him.
In a sudden, he got me down.
Rocky Fuh Yuh 4 He will be left out if he grows up
as he is.
I am a peace lover, but for him I
tried to get him under by force.
Rocky Fuh Yuh 5 How miserable I was!
He got me under down.
Fuhsan is only a fatty. Rocky
   Miniature Duchshund
   Rocky. seven months old

Mar. 24 Boss and luck are drinking water Water, water,water!
        Boss is drinking water
         Golden Retriever

Luck is watching him。
Cavalier King Charles
four months old
「On the way of walking, Water I drink
at Fuh and Yuh's house is so good」
「I badly want to drink.
Don't drink it to the last
「Look! he is gulping water down」
「If we drink water like him, we will be as big as
Fuh and yuh is staring at him
Boss feels shy ♪         ♪
「I'm shy. Please stop
looking hard at me」 

Mar. 20 They are good friends Go to Hush puppies' castle
  Today is her
  three years old

With Yottyan,We went to see Otomesann
and Yamatokun, who live in a castle town ,
which is famous for soy sauce.
We were so overwhelmed by their energy
that we were much quieter than usual.
There were many Hush Puppies' goods in
their house. BecauseYottyan was looking
wistfully at them, we blushed with shame.
The lord of Hush puppies' castle, the owner
of Otomesan and Yamatokun, gave him a
panel of Hush puppies in charity.
He was rapt with joy. His happines is also
our happiness.
Yamatokun with long ears
   two  years old
Otomesan and Fuh
    Fuh       Otomesan

   We are from the same breede

Mar. 17 Birthday cake for yuh Birthday is a wonderful day

I received a birthday card from Rakusan.
He writes a good style. I'd like to come to
write cleverly like him.
Early this morning a birthday card was
sent from Himesan and Ribonsan by
Harukichisan and Himarisan also gave me
a birthday card by mail.
Toshikosan, who works with yottyan, gave
me strawberry and three toothbrushes and
a toy.
Honestly speaking, I hate to brush my teeth. 
Fuh seems to think that strawberry is hers.
It is a big mistake.
  one year ten months old

Ribon four months
old Ribonsan
     Yuh and cake 「Yottyan promised me to give an icecream
cake. It is not an icecream cake.
He is a liar」
「Watch your mouth, Yuh.
Then, I will eat up all.」
Fuh and cake

Mar. 15 With friends Friends come from a distance

 To our joy, Haruyoshisan and Himarisan came from a port town with
an air of exoticism. Himarisan is a prospective fashion model.
Yottyan says comparing us, " What a big difference! " I wonder what
the difference is. We have ears, nose, eyes, tails alike. Haruyoshisan
says coolly "You know, as the proverb goes, like father, like son.
I understand her saying to see the beautiful woman who came along
with them.

      five years old
      seven months old

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