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DA¥M Theater

Established in 1986. Based in the alternative space <Proto-Theater >. Since 1988 they have been vigorously pursuing their creative experiments with artists beyond boundaries of genres and nationalities. Since 1995, D-AM resumed to participate in various theater festival inside and outside of Japan. In recent years, they explore possibilities of unknown theatrical imaginations utilizing< physical improvisational acts >that includes fragments of movements, voices, and words. They make remarks on the modern society, staging peripheral "Fluctuation in Life " that people ignore every day. They also lead <Asia meets Asia >, Asian contemporary theater exchange activities, from 1997 to have close relationships with those in Asian countries, including Southwest and the central regions of Asia.


@ @ Main works & activities
1986  gHARE HORE FURARAh at TOGA International Theater Fes.
1986  gSanctuary,hJapanese and American co-production.
1989 gHot Dogh  at Yokohama Art Festival Parallel Scene.
1989–1992 Began experimental theater works.
Series of works gCompositionhVol. 1 – 12.
@ 1992–1995 Series of works gExperimental Theaterh Vol. 1 – 22.
1994–1995 Series of works gDreamsh Vol. 1 – 3.
1995 gThat is not my dreamh at Sendai Theater Festival.
1996 gLesson – My portrait that is framed by the dreamh
1997 gArukuh at Avignon Theater Festival Off.
1997` Started "Asia meets Asia" of cultural exchange in Asia.
@ 1998 gDaydream Horizon Impro.h at Asia Meets Asia .
1999 gIl Vulcanoh
@ 2000` Started collaboration project of Asia meets Asia-
gUnbearable Dream,h at Tokyo and Hong Kong
@ 2001

 New Procuction gWhen we stop eating tomatoeshversion3
 at Kampnagel, Laokoon Festival, Humburg. Germany

2003  gUnbearable Dream,h atTokyo and Taipei,
@ 2004 garukuh at Kyrgiz International Arts Festival gPeace and Respecth.
"arukuh at Art Summit Indonesia ‡W
2005  New production "Hap Py Birth Day"
Participated in Hong Kong  1st Improvised Preforming Art Fes.
2005-2006  Series of solo works by Sei Yaegashi.
 a solo works by Akihiro Nakajima
@ 2008 New Productin  "Random Glimpses/detaramenawake"
@ 2008-2012 EParticipated in gUnbearable Dream 4-6hAsia 7 cities collaboration 
EParticipated in gMadmanfs DiaryhEast Asia 4 cities collaboration
@ 2010 hWhen the night come,@Will it rob you of your image reflected in the broken fragments of tin.h
@ 2011 gArukuhat Tokyo and Hong kong.
@ 2012 Revised wRandom Glimpses‚Qx
Participated in Asia tour 1of Asia meets Asia
@ 2013 ERevised "When the night come, will it rob you of your image reflected in the broken fragments of tin."
EParticipated in Asia tour 2of Asia meets Asia
@ 2014 ERevised hAruku"
EParticipated in Asia tour 3of Asia meets Asia
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@ £Top Inoue Build. 201, 5-29-20 Higashinakano, Nakanoku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel&Fax: 81-3-3386-8208@¡











