7月14日 17th July
   灯籠プロジェクト2024  Touro Lantern Project 2024

Students in Hiroshima made Touro lanterns to convey the spirit of Hiroshima and sent to the cities in the UK.

Students at Kyoso Junior High School painted the Touro Lanterns to send to Salisbury City in England


ソールズベリー・キャンドル・フロート(動画)はここから  A video on the Candle Float in Salisbury can be seen at the following site.
Salisbury CND's Hiroshima Day 2024 Candle Float Video :: News Items :: CND Salisbury :: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament      

Thank yu for the nice paintings on the lanterns. Your feedbacks after looking a video of the Lantern Floating, conveyed your thoughts on peace and the people of Salisbury said they were so impressed.
 ソールズベリー地域の新聞記事 Article from a local newspaper around Salisbury
Salisbury CND welcomes Nobel Peace Prize for nuclear bomb survivors, the Hibakusha | Salisbury & Avon Gazette | In Print & Online
ソールズベリーCNDの記事で紹介されました! | 中学ブログ|Kyoso Life|広島修道大学ひろしま協創中学校・高等学校
協創中学校HP つながるヒロシマとソールズベリー | 年月別/2024年7月 | 広島修道大学ひろしま協創中学校・高等学校 (shudo-u.ac.jp)

Students at Seishikan Senior High School painted Touro Lnaterns to send to Abingdon, England


Thank you for the beautiful paintings on the Touro Lanterns.
Your wish was certainly received by the Abingdon Peace Group.
 アビンドンのキャンドルフロートの様子 8月7日    Candle Float in Abingdon    7th August
 Peace garden  Hiroshima Exhibition  
 Top Page  アビンドンピースグループの皆様
Thank you Abingdon Peace Group for the exhibition and Touro Lantern Floating.