~挨拶:コベントリーの平和と和解~ ~ Greetings; Peace and Reconciliation of Coventry~ Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. This is the 19th Coventry
Day Gathering, and we are deeply grateful to all of you who came and shared
the thoughts on world peace, as well as those who cooperate and support
us, all of you made it possible to hold the event again this year. この集いの目的は、第一にコベントリー爆撃でなくなった人々を追悼する事、第二にコベントリーの「和解と平和」の精神を共有し、平和について考える機会とすること、第三にコベントリーで毎年行われている広島長崎メモリアル・サービスに対し、相互追悼の意味もあります。 では、コベントリーの「和解」とは何でしょう? 今日はそのことについて、この場をお借りし少しだけお話させて頂きます。 So what is Coventry's "reconciliation "? I would like to take this opportunity to talk about that today.
In1940, Coventry City was repeatedly bombed by Germany, 75% of the city was destroyed, many died, and the Cathedral was burned down. The most terrible one was on the 14th of November. The next day, many people gathered at the church, Provost Howard called for “Not retaliation, but forgiveness and reconciliation for peace." Before long after that, the church and City’s administration started working together for "Peace and Reconciliation." I don't have enough time today to go into the specifics of what Coventry and the church have done, so I'll just introduce one thing (sister cities partnership) and summarize it.
コベントリーは26も姉妹都市があります。世界初の姉妹都市提携は、戦争が終わる前の1944年、コベントリーとロシアのスターリングラード(今のボルゴグラード)です。戦災で傷ついた街を協力して復興させ、交流を通して平和を築いていこうという取り組みです。姉妹都市という思想は世界から支持され、広がっていきました。 中でも「和解」のモデルとして最も注目されているのはドイツのドレスデンとの姉妹都市交流です。第2次世界大戦ではドイツはイギリスの敵国でしたが、かつての敵に報復、ではなく和解をするためです。1890年代の写真を見ますとドレスデンはとても美しい街です。バロック様式の町並みが広がる歴史的価値の高い街でしたからドイツとしても無警戒でした。国際法で、文化的歴史的価値の高い街は攻撃してはならないと定められていたからです。ところが、1945年、連合国軍による無差別爆撃で街の85%は破壊され、死者は25,000人とされています。ドレスデン市役所から見下ろした爆撃後の写真を見ますと、はるか遠くまで空洞のビル群が広がっています。 Among them, the sister city exchange with Dresden, Germany, is attracting the most attention as a model for "reconciliation." Germany was the enemy of Britain during World War II, and the aim of the relationship is to reconcile with the former enemy rather than seek revenge. When you see a picture of Dresden in the 1890s, you will know it was a beautiful city of great historical value, with baroque streetscapes, so Germany was not on guard. This is because international law stipulates that cities with high cultural and historical value must not be attacked. However, in 1945, the Allied Forces bombed the city indiscriminately, destroying 85% of it and killing 25,000 people. In a photo of Dresden looking down from the city hall in 1945, empty buildings stretch out into the distance.
The sister city relationship between Coventry and Dresden was established in 1979 with the aim of remembering the tragedy of war and promoting peace and friendship. Rather than just forgetting that they fought in the war and getting along, the two cities share the legacy of the war and cooperate in preserving and restoring historical buildings and monuments in order not to forget the historical facts. For example, the Church of Our Lady, which was destroyed by bombing, was rebuilt in 2005. The black patterns seen here and there on its wall were designed to convey the horrors of war using the remaining rubble. They also collaborate on cultural exchange and research projects and jointly host events to promote commemoration, dialogue and exchange.
2005年の追悼式にはコベントリー大聖堂の代表者が出席し、和解と平和のメッセージを伝えました。この追悼式は第二次世界大戦中のドレスデン爆撃の犠牲者を悼むために行われ、国際的な和解の象徴として重要な意味を持っていました。こうして、英独の戦後和解が行われ、これが世界の和解のモデルとなっているのです。 Representatives from Coventry Cathedral attended the 2005 memorial service and delivered a message of Reconciliation and Peace. The memorial was held to commemorate the victims of the bombing of Dresden during the Second World War and was significant as a symbol of international reconciliation. In this way, the post-war reconciliation between the UK and Germany is encouraged and is a model for reconciliation around the world.
コベントリーの「和解」の取り組みをまとめると次のようになるのではないでしょうか。まず、コベントリーは「報復ではなく和解」の大切さを呼びかけてきました。そして相互に犠牲者を追悼し、対話を重ねる。過去に何があったのか、歴史の探究を大切にしながら交流を進めてきました。それが相互理解と戦後和解の道を開いてきた、といえるでしょう。日本とイギリスの和解も、そのようにして進められてきたのです。 Coventry's efforts for "reconciliation" could be summarized like this. First, Coventry has called for the importance of reconciliation, not retaliation. Next it has also commemorated the victims of the war and engaged in dialogue, then promoted exchanges while placing importance on historical inquiry into what happened in the past. It can be said that this has paved the way for mutual understanding and postwar reconciliation. The reconciliation between Japan and the UK. has also progressed in this way.
それでは、ここでコベントリー爆撃でなくなった方を偲び、黙祷をお願い致します。そしてイスラエルとガザとレバノン,イランに、ウクライナとロシアに一日も早い停戦と和解の日が来ますことを祈りましょう。 So let us now observe a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the Coventry bombing. And let us pray for a permanent ceasefire and reconciliation between Israel and Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran, Ukraine and Russia as soon as possible. Thank you. 本日はありがとうございました。 岡本秀子 Hideko Okamoto (Hiroshima Coventry Club)