コベントリー市へ千羽鶴を送る Presentation of a thousand paper cranes
2023年12月 December, 2023
We sent a thousand paper cranes in response to a request from the City of Coventry.
The cranes were made by the students at Kamokita Senior High School, Kyoso Junior High School, Takatorikita Junior High School, and art club members at Danbara Junior High School.
生徒さんに次の質問に答えて頂きました。Students' answers to the next two questions:
生徒B Student B 生徒C Student C 世界中の人々が辛いおもいをすることがないような世界になってほしい。
戦争をしないと誓ったのに現在もなお戦争が続いているのはとても悲しいです。一日でも一秒でも早くこの世から戦争や核兵器がなくなってほしいです。 生徒D Student D 広島から遠く離れたイギリスへ私たちの平和の思いが伝わり、コベントリー市の方々との平和への願いが1つになることを祈って折り鶴を折りました。私たちの平和への思いが伝わり、それが世界中へ広まることを願っています。
生徒E Studnet E Today, people around the world are losing their lives due to wars and conflicts. I folded it while feeling grateful for my life where I could go to school, play with friends, and study as normal, and praying that all conflicts in the world would disappear. Hiroshima is the first city in the world where an atomic bomb was dropped. We can see many scars from the war here. In Hiroshima, we are studying about peace and wars so that this tragic event will not be repeated, while praying for war to end from all over the world. There are many actual videos and artifacts relating to the A-bombing on display in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Please come and see them when you visit Hiroshima.
生徒さんたちの思いが千羽鶴とともにコベントリーへ届きますように! We hope the students' thoughts and hopes touch the people of Coventry! |