2021年の活動  Activities in 2021

 2021 Covebtry Day 英語詩セミナーの最後に全員で黙祷しました。
 In the end of the Poetry Seminar , we obserbed a silent prayor , remeberring the Covntry Bltz.."After that we visited the statue of "Reconciliation"
Lecture: The UK and City of Coventry
コベントリーのウィトレー・アカデミーと姉妹校提携している賀茂北高校にて。 1年生と2年生の生徒さんに熱心にお話を聞いていただきました。

October 27th
We visited Kamokita High School, which is a sister school of Whitley Academy in Coventry, to deliver a lecture to the first and second graders. They listened to us very earnestly.
CD: The 15th anniersary

 Hiroshima Covntry Club started in 2007. To selebrate the 15th anniversary, we made a CD ( collection of pictures of our ctivities.)
"Playing the songs of life"
Gathering at the Barbara Rainold's memorial

Tourous and Mayor's message to the Salisbury CND
You can see the Candle Float in Salisbury held in the following site.

Salisbury CND Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float 2021

Mayor's Messages to Coventry
We sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima to the Load Mayor of Coventry for the Hiroshima Day event being held in the City of Coventry on August 6th.
  ソールズベリーCNDより 核兵器禁止条約発効記念のカップと絵はがきが送られて来ました。
A cup and a picture card to celebrate the TPNW was presented to our club by the Salisbury CND
 英語詩セミナー Poetry Seminar  毎月第2土曜日:広島市留学生会館にて

On the second Saturday every month at Hiroshima City International House
Lecturer: Ronald Klein( Professor, Hiroshima Jogakuin Uni.)
