2018年の活動 /Activities in 2018

  第13回コベントリーの日の集い : 11月25日 The 13th Coventry Day Meeting : 25th November
 Messsage from the Lord Mayor of Coventry:
Reading by MR. Peter Parkinson.

 Messsage from theMayor of Hiroshima:
Reading by Ms HidekoYoshino.

 People listened to the story, War and Coventry: Pece
and Reconciliation
.、and offered a silent prayer forthe
victims of the CoventryBlitz.
Life of the world=spirit of Hiroshima.
Sung by World Friendship Center choir
and A group to sing "Life of the world= spirit of Hiroshima"

コーラス 「世界の命=広島の心
   Music by Ensenble Knon

 One-man play,Living with Father.
Player and Reader: Mr Tatsushi Amano


 2018国際フェスタに参加  11月18日/広島国際会議場
 Hiroshima International Festival. November18th/International Conference Center Hiroshim
 18th November
Showing pictures and explained on
the City of Coventry,
and our club activities.
 「被爆を伝える会」がコベントリー市で朗読  11月6日
 Recitation Group visited Coventry City   6th November
The Peace Memorial Hall Atomic Recitation Group visited King Henry VIII school in Coventry City to convey the experiences of A-Bomb survivors.
  イギリスから来日されたご夫妻に広島ををご案内。Guests from the UK   10月28-30日 28th to 30th October

We guided them to the Peace Park, Miyajima Island,
Syukkeien-garden, Modern Art Museum, pub, and Okonomiyaki restaurant.

We sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima to the Lord Mayor of Coventry,
for the Hiroshima Day Service in Coventry.
 6th August

     新コベントリー大聖堂で行われたヒロシマ・ナガサキ・メモリアル・サービスHiroshima Nagasaki Memorial Service held at the New Cathedral of Coventry.
 テキサスの大学生9名に広島を案内  6月23,24日
Gave a tour guide to nine students from Texas
 23-24th June  
We took them to the Peace Park and Peace Museum, Miyajima Island, and Atomic Bombing recitation.
 第6回「戦争と平和の詩を朗読しよう」 The 6th Peace and War Poetry Reading    5月13日 13th May
Despite the rain, some people stopped and listenedto the reading.

A seedling from Hiroshima City’s A-bombed Aogiri tree was planted in the courtyard of Coventry University.

 WFC主催学習交流会に参加   3月24日 ワールド・フレンドシップ・センターにて

We joined the study session held by WFC.
  March 24th, at World Friendship Center 
  英語詩に挑戦 Poetry Seminar   毎月第2土曜日 On the 2nd Saturday, everymonth