2015年の活動 Activities in 2015

 第10回コベントリーの日の集い(11月15日)   The 10th Coventry DayMeeting (15 November) 
   高校生による発表  Presentation by high school students  被曝証言を聞く。 Listening to a survivor's accoount.

 コベントリーについて出張講座 (10月26日)
 Talking about Coventry at Kamokita High School (26 October)
Sent a message from the mmmMayor of Hiroshima to a Hiroshima Day held in Coventry.

 コベントリーの詩人アントニー・オーエン氏来広 (5月9~16日
 Mr Antony Owen, a poet from Coventry, visited Hiroshima. (9-16 Maay)

Showing around the Peace Memorial Park.
Passed a message from the Lord Mayor of Coventry.
Listened to an A-bomb survivor's account by Mrs Keiko Ogura.
Listening to an A-bomb survivor’s account by
Mrs Sueko Hada.
Honkawa Elementary School Museum
Talking with Hiroshima Jogakuin High School students.
The 2nd Reading War and Peace Poetry

Listened to the tow poets, Antony Owen and Yumiko Ueda.

 英語詩にチャレンジ (毎月第2土 曜日)
Poetry Seminar (on the 2nd Saturday, every month)