
Friendship Link with Coventry                                  

コベントリー会 /Hiroshima Coventry Club


We are volunteer group to promote friendship with Coventry, UK. This page is to introduce Coventry City and Coventry Club activities.

Left;The Oldcathedral of Coventry, only the spire and part of wall remain.
Right; The New Cathedral of Coventry
Statue of Reconciliation (The Old cathedral)
The red mark points the City of Coventry, which is close to Birmingham.
The aim of the Coventry Club
Outline of Coventry City
Hiroshima and Coventry
The war and Coventry
 ゴダイバ婦人Lady Godiva  ゴダイバシスターズ
Godiva Sisters


  Poetry Seminar:
 Let's enjoy poetry in English
 April, 2024 to March, 2025
on the 2nd Saturday every month
(sometimes changed)
at Hiroshima City International House
1-1 Nishikoujin-cho, Minamiku, Hiroshima
Tel: 082-568-5931

more info: 090-5698-0074
mail: katsumi27@cf.em-net.ne.jp



 詳しくは 090-5698-0074
 Next poetry class is ーーーーーーー→.

11th January,2025 (Sat)10:30~12:00
at Hiroshima City International House


 New! 2024 コベントリーの日  Coventry Day 2024

コベントリーに思いをはせて | 中学ブログ|Kyoso Life|広島修道大学ひろしま協創中学校・高等学校
 20th October, 2024

 コベントリー会の活動 History of the Hiroshima Coventry Club


2024     2024年1月〜 From January, 2024
コベントリーで千羽鶴の展示 Papercranes exhibition in Coventry
 2024年6月23日 23 June, 2024
コベントリーの「和解と平和」について話す Presentation on Peace and Reconciliation of Coventry
 2024年7月17日 17th July, 2024
灯籠プロジェクト   Sending Touro Lanterns
2024年8月6日  August 6th 2024
ソールズベリーキャンドル・フロート Salisbury Candle Float
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemorative Candle Float

Salisbury CND's Hiroshima Day Candle Float 2024 - YouTube
   2024年8月6日  6th August, 2024 
   2024年9月4日  4th September, 2024
イギリス・コベントリー紹介講座  Presentation on the UK and Coventry

2023        2023年7月 July 2003
灯籠プロジェクト  Touro lantern Project
 @段原中学校 Danbara Junior High School
 A協創中学校 Kyoso Junior High School
 2023年8月6日 6th August, 2023
Sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima to the Loard Mayor of the City of Coventry on the ocasion of Hiroshima Day

You can read an article on Hiroshima Day 2023 held in Coventry
 2023年8月6日6th August, 2023

 2023年9月13日 13th September, 2023
講座「英国とコベントリー市」 Lecture: The UK and the City of Coventry
賀茂北高等学校 Kamokita Junior High School
 2023年10月20日・21日  20/21 Octber, 2023
コベントリーからのお客様 Guests from Coventry

 2023年11月19日 19 November, 2023

Taking part in the International Festa 2023

2023年11月23日 23 November, 2023
2023 コベントリーの日開催 Coventry Day 2023

外部リンク 修道大学ひろしま協創中学校HPより

2023年12月  December, 2023
コベントリーへ千羽鶴を送る Presentation of a thousand paper cranes

Salisbury City Council voted to join the Mayers for Peace.
14thNov. Salisbury City
「Coventry Day 2022」
16th October
Lecture: The UK and the City of Coventry
 9月14日 賀茂北高校にて
14th Sep. at Kamokita High School
Sent Hiroshima Mayor's message and one Touro to Coventry City.
6th August Hiroshima day (in Coventry City)
Send Hiroshima Mayor's message and ten Touro lanterns to the Salisbury CND.
 8月8日 ソールズベリーでのキャンドル流し
8th August Candle Float in Salisbury
英語詩セミナー  Poetry Seminar  毎月第2土曜日 Every month on the second Saturday
        2021   コベントリーの日 Coventry Day 11月13日 平和公園  13th Nov. Coventry Day event
lecture: The UK and the City of Coventry
 10月27日 賀茂北高校にて
October 27th at Kamokita High School
Comemorative CD "15th Anniversary"
ソールズベリーCNDより灯籠流しの画像が届いた。Candle Float DVD from Salisbury CND
Took part in the "Playing songs of life"
 8月6日 平和公園
6th August at Peace Memorial Park
   コベントリー市の若者によるJapanese Gardenオープン
Coventry Kids open the ”Japanese Garden."
Five sets of Touro to Salisbury CND
2nd July 
Sent messages from the Mayor Matsui for the Hiroshima Day event to the Lord Mayor of Coventry
City of Coventry, and Salsbery CND
 ソールズベリーCNDより 核兵器禁止条約発効記念のカップと絵はがきが送られて来た。
A cup and a picture card to celebrate the TPNW was presented by the Salisbury CND
 英語詩セミナー Poetry Seminar  毎月第2土曜日:広島市留学生会館にて
On the secound saturday every month
Seminars ware cancelled in July, August, and September because of coronavirus.
Speaking on the UK and the City of Coventry
 12月9日 賀茂北高等学校
9th December at Kamokita High School
 国際交流フェスタ2020にビデオ参加。  11月15日 団体紹介コーナーにて「コベントリー会」の紹介
Coventry Day: Peace Vigil 
 10月13日 広島平和公園
13th October at Hiroshima Peace Park
Hand the Friendship Certificate from Coventry to the Mayor of Hiroshima
 9月23日 広島市庁舎
September 23  at Hiroshima City Hall
Chugoku News paper
(24th September)
Took part in gatherings at the Memorial Mount and at Barbara Raynold's memorial stone.
 8月6日 平和公園
August 6th Peace Memorial Park
Sent messages from the Mayor Matsui for the Hiroshima Day
City of Coventry, and Salsbery CND
 英語詩セミナー Poetry Seminar  毎月第2土曜日:広島市留学生会館にて
2019      2019国際フェスタに参加
Took part in the 2019 International Fest
11月17日 広島国際会議場
November 17th International Convention Center Hiroshima
David family from Coventry visited Hiroshima
October 15th, 16th
The 14th Coventry Day Meeting
 10月6日  広島市留学生会館
October 6th Hiroshima ICity nternational House
Short lecture at Kamokita High School
September 27th
Sent messsages from Hiroshma cytizons to Mr Karipbek Kuyukov (artist in Kazaphstan)

August 19th
Thanks to
Mr So Horie, Mrs Michiko Kiyonaga
Sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshiima to the CND Salsbery. 
 8月6日 ソールズベリー市での灯籠流しにて
August 6th Candle Float in Salsbery, England.
 英国コベントリー市におけるHiroshima Dayにヒロシマ市長メッセージを届ける
Sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima to the Lor Mayor of the City of Coventry
 8月6日  コベントリー市のヒロシマデイにて
 August 6th  Hiroshima Day event at the Old Cathedral of Coventry
Poetry Seminar
On the 2nd Saturday, every month. 
April, 2019-March, 2020

the 13th Coventry Day Meeting

November 25th /Hirosima City International House
the Hiroshima International Festival.
November18th/International Conference Center Hiroshim
 コベントリー会の紹介で、追悼平和祈念館の「被爆を伝える会」がコベントリーを訪れ、キング8世スクールで朗読により被爆を伝えました.The Peace Memorial Hall Atomic Recitation Group visited King Henry VIII school in Coventry City to convey the experiences of A-Bomb survivors. 
 11月6日 /コベントリー市・キング8世学校
November 6th /The King Hery 8th School(Coventry) 

Guests from the UK

 10月28-30日/ 平和公園、資料館、宮島、縮景園、現代美術
October 28th to 30th /he Peace Museum, Peace Park, Miyajima, Shukkeien, and the Modern Art Museum.

We sent a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima to the Lord Mayor of Coventry, for the Hiroshima Day Service in Coventry.

8月6日/コベントリー市 旧大聖堂にて
August 6th /The Old Cathedral of Coventry
「核兵器禁止条約」の早期締結を求める署名活動に協力し、17枚170人分の署名を集めて広島市へ届けた。We presented a petition of 170 signatures to Hiroshima City, calling for all states to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weaponswithout delay. 8月

Gave a tour guide to nine students from Texas

June 23rd/Peace Park and Museum,Miyajima Island, Atomic Bombing recitation
The 6th Peace and War Poetry Reading
5月13日 /平和公園
May 13th /Peace Memorial Park

A seedling from Hiroshima City’s A-bombed Aogiri tree was planted in the courtyard of Coventry University.

4月17日 /コベントリー大学

April 17th /Coventry University
*Seeds from the surviving Aogiri were presented to the Lord Mayor of Coventry by Hiroshima Coventry Club in 2009.
We joined the study session held by WFC.
3月24日 ワールド・フレンドシップ・センターにて
March 24th, at World Friendship Center 
Poetry Seminar
On the 2nd Saturday, every month.
 2017       第12回「コベントリーの日の集い」

The 12th Coventry Day Meeing
11月26日 広島市留学生会館
 26th November at Hiroshima City International House
2017 International feasta: introduction of the Covenry Club
 11月19日 国際会議場
19th November
at International Conference Center Hiroshima
The Nagasaki Elder by Antony Owen was launched
 9月7日 出版社:Vプレス
7th September from V.Press
Sent a message from the Mayor of Hirohima to the gathering of Hiroshima Day in Coventry
 8月6日 コベントリー大聖堂
6th August at Coventry Cathedral
One day lecture on Coventry 
 6月14日 賀茂北高校
14th June at Kamokita High School
 第5回 「戦争と平和の詩を朗読しよう」
The 5th "Reading War and Peace Poetry"
14th May (Sun) at Hiroshim Peace Memorial Park
Poetry Seminar:Poetry of love
 毎月第2土曜日 広島市留学生会館
Every month on the second Saturday
at Hiroshima City Inter national House 
 2016        2017国際交流フェスティバルにてコベントリー会の紹介展示
2017 International feasta: introduction of the Covenry Club
 11月20日 国際会議場
20th November
at International Conference Center Hiroshima
The 11th Coventry Day Meeing
 11月13日 広島市留学生会館
 13th November at Hiroshima City Inteernational House
One day lecture on Coventry 
 10月26日 賀茂北高校
26th Octover at Kamokita High School
Took part in the Hiroshima Day in Coventry Ciity.
and read a message from the Mayor of Hirohima
 8月6日 コベントリー大聖堂
6th August at Coventry Cathedral
Booklet for10th anniversary ofthe CoventryClub
25th July
The 4th "Reading Warand Peace Poetry"
15th May (Sun) at Hiroshim Peace Memorial Park
Poetry Seminar:War Poetry
毎月第2土曜日 広島市留学生会館
Every month on the second Saturday
at Hiroshima City Inter national House 
 2015       第10回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 10th Coventry Day Meeing
 11月15日 広島市留学生会館
 15th November at Hiroshima City Inteernational House
One day lecture on Coventry 
 10月26日 賀茂北高校
26th Octover at Kamokita High School
Sent a message of Hiroshima Mayor to Coventry
 8月6日 ヒロシマデイ(コベントリー市)
6th August Hiroshima Day
Antony Owen visited Hiroshima
中国新聞記事  Chugoku News Paper article
9th-16th May
 第2回「戦争と平和の詩を朗読しよう~アントニー・オーエン氏を迎えて」 同時開催「二人の詩人に話を聞く会」
The 3rd "Reading Warand Peace Poetry with Antony Owen""
"Let's listen to the two poet"
10th May (Sun) at Hiroshim Peace Memorial Park
at International Conference Center Hiroshima
Poetry Seminar
 毎月第2土曜日 広島市留学生会館
Every month on the second Saturday
at Hiroshima City Inter national House
 2014        ポーター司祭来広
Cannon Porter visited Hiroshima
1st-2nd December
The 9th Coventry Day Meeing
 11月23日 広島市留学生会館
 23rd November at Hiroshima City Inteernational House 
One day lecture on Coventry 
 10月15日 賀茂北高校
15th Octover at Kamokita High School
Sent a message of Hiroshima Mayor to Coventry
  8月6日 ヒロシマデイ(コベントリー市)
6th August Hiroshima Day
Let's read War and Peace Poetry in English
 8月3日 平和公園
3rd August (Sun) at Hiroshim Peace Memorial Park
   4月11日 ラジオ出演
Poetry Seminar:Antony Owen's poetry
 毎月第2土曜日 広島市留学生会館
Every month on the second Saturday
at Hiroshima City Inter national House
 2013      第8回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 8th Coventry Day Meeing
  11月17日 広島市留学生会館
 17th November at Hiroshima City Inteernational House
Sent a message of Hiroshima Mayor to Coventry
 8月6日 ヒロシマデイ(コベントリー市)
6th August Hiroshima Day
Passed a thousand paper cranes made by students of All Saints School to the students of Bisyamondai Primary school
10th July
"Barefoot Gen'sHiroshima" in Coventry 
中国新聞記事Chugoku Neews Paper article
 7月2−3日 (キング・ヘンリー8世学校・タイルヒル・ウッド言語学校・ブルー・コート学校・市庁舎の4ヵ所にて)
2nd-3rd July (King Henry 8th School/Tile Hill Wood & Language School/Blue Coat School/ CityHall)
 2012      第7回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 7th Coventry Day Meeing
  12月1日 広島市留学生会館
 1st December at Hiroshima City Inteernational House
Read a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima at the Hiroshima Day (Coventry)
6th August
Kamokit High School twinned with Whitley Academy
 3rd July
Visited Coventry
 7th April
 2011     第6回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 6th Coventry Day Meeing
 12月4日 広島市留学生会館
 4th December at Hiroshima City Inteernational House

Attend the Lantern-floating of Nagasaki Memorial (Abindon)
9th August
Read a message from the Mayor of Hiroshima at the Hiroshima Day (Coventry)
6th August
 2010         千羽鶴をコベントリー聖堂のチャペルへ送る
Sent a thousand paper cranes to the Chapel in the Coventry Cathedral
December Paper cranes made by Bisyamondai Primary school 6 graders and Ushita Junior High Scholl art club were decorated in the Chapel of Unity, CoventryCathedral
The 5th Coventry Day Meeing
 10月31日 広島市留学生会館
 31st October at Hiroshima City Inteernational House
Took part in the Hiroshima Day
6th August
Showing posters of Sadako and paper cranes at
 8月6日〜31日 コベントリー大聖堂
6th-31st August in the Coventry Cathedral
Showing posters of Sadako and paper cranes at Abingdon-Hiroshima Week,
 2nd-9th August
Introduction to the Coventry Club at Ushita Junior High School
 15th July
Presented seeds from the second generationof the A-bombed Aogiri tree to Abingdon.
 2009       アビンドンのドッドご夫妻来広
Mr and Mrs Dodd visited Hiroshima
22nd November
The 4th Coventry Day Meeing:Ever Lasting Friendship
7th November
Coventry exhibition "Peace and Reconciliation"
3rd−16th August at
Ravi visited Hiroshima
13th- 15th June
3人がコベントリー訪問, 広島市長メッセージを届ける。
Three  Visited Coventry to pass a message from the mayor of Hiroshima.
 15th May
Vijya Kumar visited Hiroshima
20th March- 2nd April
 2008      第3回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 3rd Coventry Day Meeing
14th November
Took part in the Hiroshima Nagasaki Memorial Service.
中国新聞記事 Chugoku Newspaper article
 6th August
Exhibition on Coventry in Kure City
 7月29日〜8月16日 呉国際センター
29th July-16th August at Kure International Center
Presented to the Lord Mayor of Coventrywith seeds from an A-bomb-survived tree.
 24th April
 2007      第2回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The 2nd Coventry Day Meeing
14th November
"Coventry Exhibition" at Yasu Community Center
 10th-11th November
Visited Coventry:Signed for promoting friendship between the two cities
4th-6th June
Exhibition on Coventry
 4月6〜19日 広島市留学生会館
6th-19th April at Hiroshima City International Center
 2006      第1回「コベントリーの日の集い」
The1st "Coventry Day Meeing"
 14th November
"Coventry Exhibition" at Yasu Community Center
 11th-12th November
 ハートレーご夫妻来日 安北小学校訪問
Mr and Mrs Hartley visited Japan. Visited Yasukita Primary School.
24th-25th October
Took part in "Peace Love"
 5th October
Foundation of the Hiroshima Coventry Club
 25th July
