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Come ye heavy states of night    
  The Second Book of Songes
来たれ 重苦しい夜よ  

詩: 不詳 (Unknown,-) 

曲: ダウランド (John Dowland,1563-1626) イギリス   歌詞言語: 英語

Come ye heavy states of night,
Do my father's spirit right,
Soundings baleful let me borrow,
Burthening my song with sorrow.
Come sorrow come her eyes that sings,
By thee are turned into springs.

Come you virgins of the night,
That in dirges sad delight,
Choir my anthems,I do borrow
Gold nor pearl,but sounds of sorrow:
Come sorrow come her eyes that sings,
By thee are turned into springs.

来たれ 重苦しい夜よ
邪悪な調べを 私に貸せ
来たれ 悲しみよ来たれ 歌う彼女の目も

来たれ 夜の乙女たちを
わが祝歌を 私に貸せ
金でも真珠でもなく 悲しみの音を:
来たれ 悲しみよ来たれ 歌う彼女の目も

( 2018.03.24 藤井宏行 )

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