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Let God Arise    
  Four Anthems

詩: 聖歌 (Hymn,-) 

曲: ハウエルズ (Herbert Howells,1892-1983) イギリス   歌詞言語: 英語

Let God arise,and let his enemies be scatter'd;
let them also that hate him flee before him.
Like as the smoke vanisheth,so shalt thou drive them away;
and like as wax melteth at the fire,
so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God.
But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before God.
Let them also be merry and joyful.
He is a Father of the fatherless,and defendeth
the cause of the widows even God in his holy habitation.
He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house;
and bringeth the prisoners out of captivity.

神よ立ち上がり 敵を蹴散らさしめ
神を憎む者を逃げ散らさせ下さい 御前から
悪しき者を滅ぼしたまえ 神の御前に
だが 正しき者を喜ばせ 歓喜させよ 神の御前に
主は父なき父にして 守護する
未亡人たちの命を 神はその聖なる住まいのうちに
主なる神は人々をひとつの心となす ひとつの家の中で
そしてもたらすのだ 囚人たちに解放を

( 2021.08.24 藤井宏行 )

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