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Shadows on the Floor    

詩: ワーク (Henry Clay Work,1832-1884) アメリカ

曲: ワーク (Henry Clay Work,1832-1884) アメリカ   歌詞言語: 英語

Saturday night! Saturday night!
The hope that lingered has taken to flight;
From morning till evening,the weary week through,
In vain has he battled for something to do.
Poor man! emptyhanded,how can he return
To those whose fate hangs on the pence he may earn?
How can he reply to his questioner sweet --
Did Papa bring Papa's girl somethin' to eat?

Out of employ! out of employ!
Distress in the cottage where once there was joy;
How frightful the shadows that fall on the floor
When Want and Starvation appear at the door!

Wasting away! Wasting away!
His poor wife grows paler each sorrowful day,
Yet suffers in silence,and never complains,--
Reserving for others the crust that remains.
His fearful forebodings he seeks to disguise;
But now the child's prattle brings tears to his eyes;
“If Ma doze to Heaven den I mus' do,too;
But Pa,I'll frow down bread and butter for you.”


Struggling for life! Struggling for life!
In spite of his courage bourne down in the strife;
Had not he the wife and the baby to save,
How willingly would be he down in the grave!
Reflections more later creep into his mind --
The promise is false,”If ye seek ye shall find.”
What was it his dear little innocent said?
Does Dod fordits us when He takes daily bread!


朝から夕方まで 疲れ果てて一週間
空しく彼は戦ってきた 何かをなそうと
彼はどうやって答えられようか 彼のかわいい質問者に?
「パパはもってきたの パパのむすめに何か食べるものを?」

苦境 かつて喜びがあった小屋の中に
なんと恐ろしいのか 床に落ちる影は

彼の哀れな妻は蒼ざめて行く 悲しい日毎に
それでも沈黙の中で苦しみ 決して文句を言わぬ-
取って置くのだ 他の人のために 残っているパンのかけらを
しかし今 子供の片言が彼の目に涙をもたらす
「ママががまんするなら あたちもそうする
でもパパ あたちパパにパンとバターをあげるわ」


この約束は誤りなのだ:「求めるならば 見出すであろう」
何だったのか 彼の愛する無垢な者が言ったことは?
「かみたまはゆるしてくださるの まいにちパンをたべられるとき!」


( 2021.08.16 藤井宏行 )

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