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Bunches of grapes    

詩: デ・ラ・メア (Walter John de la Mare,1873-1956) イギリス
    Songs of Childhood  

曲: ハウエルズ (Herbert Howells,1892-1983) イギリス   歌詞言語: 英語

“Bunches of grapes,” says Timothy;
“Pomegranates pink,” says Elaine;
“A junket of cream and a cranberry tart
  For me,” says Jane.

“Love-in-a-mist,” says Timothy;
“Primroses pale,” says Elaine;
“A nosegay of pinks and mignonette
  For me,” says Jane.

“Chariots of gold,” says Timothy;
“Silvery wings,” says Elaine;
“A bumpity ride in a waggon of hay
  For me,” says Jane.

「ザクロよ ピンクの」とエレインは言う

「プリムローズよ 青白い」とエレインは言う

「デコボコ道を行くのよ 干し草のワゴンに乗ってね

( 2021.04.27 藤井宏行 )

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