Quantum teleportation is unreal, sending No real information.


Quantum teleportation is just "measurement" of two lights' polarizations, which unable to send any information.

Quantum teleportation just measuring lights' polarization called Bell state measurement (= BSM ) needs ordinary classical communication to send information, so quantum teleportation is useless.

(Fig.1)  ↓ Just using classical polarized light.  No quantum mechanics

Quantum teleportation or entanglement is useless, unable to send any real information.

Contrary to the frequently-seen fake news that quantum teleportation could be faster-than-light, this teleportation sends No real things, let alone sends some information or communicate faster than light.

If quantum teleportation or entanglement can send real information faster than light, it clearly contradicts another mainstream theory of Einstein relativity.

Quantum teleportation is some meaningless "measurement" of light (= or photon ) states such as polarization (= called Bell state measurement of BSM ), and the teleportation is Not an act of sending anything.  = Only ordinary classical communication channels or methods can send real information = slower than light also in the (useless) quantum entanglement or teleportation ( this lower ).

So quantum teleportation sending No real things is an useless and meaningless concept ( this p.5 ).

Polarizations of two lights ② and ③ are perpendicular to each other.  polarizations of two lights ① and ② are perpendicular to each other by measurement (= teleportation ?)  → two lights ① and ③ have the same polarization.  ← meaningless teleportation

In quantum teleportation ( this p.4-5,  this p.3-12,  this p.12-14 ), physicists prepare some initial light ① with some polarization (= vertical or horizontal polarization is unknown ), which should be "teleported (= actually this quantum teleportation can send nothing, unless they rely on ordinary classical communication )".

And they prepare two polarized (allegedly-entangled) lights ② and ③, one of which is vertically-polarized and the other light is horizontally-polarized (= which light has vertical or horizontal polarization is unknown until the measurement ) by getting laser light through some crystal.

Entanglement just means preparing two lights with some polarizations, which cannot send information.

↑ This concept of illusory-superluminal entanglement is also meaningless and useless like teleportation (= entanglement just means preparing two lights with some correlated polarizations, like when one light is vertically-polarized, the other light is horizontally-polarized ).

In (fantasy faster-than-light) entanglement theory, when two lights with orthogonal polarizations (= one is vertical, the other is horizontal polarization ), the moment one light is measured as vertically-polarized, this measurement determines instantly (= faster-than-light entanglement ? No! ) that the other light has horizontally polarized.

When two entangled lights are prepared to have parallel polarizations, when one light is measured as horizontal polarization, the other light is instantly (= superluminal entanglement ? ) determined to have the same horizontal polarization.

So like the meaningless quantum teleportation, this quantum entanglement is also just a meaningless "measurement" of some light (polarization) states, Not an act of sending anything or doing work.

Teleportation is just the measurement of polarizations of two lights' ① and ② at Alice detector, which cannot send any information.

After preparing two (allegedly-entangled) lights ② and ③, one of which has vertical and the other light has horizontal polarization, they send one light ② to Alice photon detector, and send the other light ③ to Bob detector.

Another initially-prepared light ① is also sent to Alice detector at the same time as the light ②

When they measure two lights' polarizations ① and ② as orthogonally-polarized (= one of ① and ② lights has vertical polarization, and the other light has horizontal polarization ) at Alice detector (= called "Bell-state measurement") after the beam splitter (= which cannot detect states of two lights ① and ② having the same polarization ), this measurement instantly determines (= teleportation ? No! ) that the light ③ sent to Bob has the same polarization as the light ①.

Light polarizations: ① is perpendicular to ②.  ② is perpendicular to ③  → ① is the same as ③  ← this teleportation concept is meaningless.

Because two lights ② and ③ are prepared to have the opposite (= orthogonal ) polarizations, and Alice detector measures and finds the lights ① and ② have the opposite (= orthogonal ) polarizations, which means two lights ① and ③ have the same parallel polarization.

↑ This process of teleportation is just "measurement" of light polarizations, and it does Not send any real information such as light polarization from Alice to Bob ( except for the ordinary slower-than-light classical method ).

But the unrealistic quantum mechanics unscientifically insists that this measurement, which determines two lights ① and ③ have the same polarization, means that the initial light ① polarization is "teleported" from Alice to Bob detector ( this p.2 ), though this teleportation is illusion sending Nothing.

Classical communication channel is needed to send information (= light polarizations ) between Alice and Bob, so quantum teleportation is useless, unneeded.

For Bob to know the light ① polarization state, physicists have to send real light ① polarization information from Alice to Bob by the ordinary classical method, which cannot send information faster than light ( this p.3-last-p.4-first,  this p.3-upper,  this middle ).

↑ After Bob received light polarization information from Alice via ordinary classical communication methods, he can modify or does not change his light's polarization depending on his purpose, which is the whole process of (meaningless) quantum teleportation.

As a result, quantum teleportation and entanglement mean just a meaningless "measurement" of light ( polarization or phase ) states, and they do Not mean sending any real things, so quantum teleportation and entanglement sending Nothing are a meaningless, useless concept forever.


Nothing is 'teleported' between two lights !

[ Quantum teleportation is just a meaingless measurement of light states accompanied by sending information using the ordinary "classical" communication, so irrelevant to (fantasy) quantum mechanics. ]

(Fig.2)  "Measure" classical light polarization = quantum "teleportation" ?

The principle of quantum teleportation is simple, absurd, and scientifically meaningless.

The Alice light detector is prepared to detect light as photon (= actually, photon detector detects electrons ejected by classical light, No illusory photons can be detected. ), only when lights ① and ② have different polarizations (ex. light ① has vertical polarization, and light ② has horizontal polarization, as seen in Fig.2, though each light polarization state is unknown until a detector measures light. )

So when the Alice detector can detect lights, it means light ① and ② have different polarizations ( which light ① or ② has vertical polarization is unknown ).

And lights ② and ③ generated through a crystal are prepared to have different polarizations (= when one light of ② and ③ has vertical polarization, the other light has horizontal polarization ).

As a result, lights ① and ③ have the same polarization (= here, both lights ① and ③ have the same vertical polarization ).

Because they arrange lights ① and ② have different polarizations, lights ② and ③ also have different polarizations. ← It means lights ① and ③ have the same polarization.

Quantum mechanics makes a ridiculous claim this artificially-prepared state of lights ① and ③ having the same polarization means the polarization of light ① is "teleported" to light ③, though nothing is teleported or sent between these two lights ① and ③ ( this p.6 ), except for classical (= Not quantum ) methods of sending and detecting classical lights.

All they did was prepare lights with various polarizations which were adjusted beforehand and measure two of them in Alice detector.  ← Nothing was transmitted between two lights ① and ③ where illusory teleportation is said to occur.


Quantum mechanical unrealistic interpretation.

[ Light polarization is unknown until measurement = quantum parallel worlds ?  Measurement triggers superluminal entanglement ?  ← Nonsense. ]

(Fig.3)  Whether each light has vertical or horizontal polarization is unknown. = each light existing in two different parallel worlds !?

In this quantum teleportation experiment, whether each light has vertical or horizontal polarization is unknown until measurement by light detector.

Quantum mechanics ridiculously claims this unknown polarization state is called "superposition", and each light (= photon ) may exist in fictional multiple parallel worlds where each world is supposed to have a photon with each different polarization (= one world has vertically-polarized light, and another world has horizontally-polarized light according to fantasy quantum mechanics ).

It's like a fictional quantum mechanical cat can be dead and alive at the same time existing in two different parallel worlds until they are observed or measured by detectors.

When laser beam through some crystal is prepared to split into two lights with different polarizations (= one light has vertical and the other light has horizontal polarization,  which light has which polarization is unknown ), They like to call these two prepared classical polarized lights "quantum entanglement" which actually means nothing.

↑ These are just classical phenomena using classical polarized light, No fantasy quantum mechanics is involved.

In two lights prepared to have different polarizations, when we measure and know one of lights has vertical polarization, it instantly (= faster-than-light entanglement !? ) determines the other light has horizontal polarization ( this p.5 ).

↑ This is natural and No faster-than-light spooky action or entanglement.  Because they just prepared two lights with different polarizatios (= one is vertical, the other is horizontal ) beforehand.

So quantum entanglement or teleportation is just an "act of measurement" of some state such as light polarization which is adjusted beforehand, Not an act of sending some real objects, much less faster-than-light transmission.

When we prepare two lights with the same polarization, the moment we measure and know one of light has vertical polarization, it instantly (= faster-than-light entanglement ? ) determines the other light also has vertical polarization.

Prepare two lights with particular polarizations.  ← Measure one of light polarization.  ←It determines the other light polarization.  ← It means faster-than-light entanglement or teleportation !?  ← Nonsense logic.

So quantum teleportation or entanglement actually sends nothing.  Quantum mechanics pursues illusion in vain.


Bell state measurement (= BSM ) of teleportation is just classical light interference at the beam splitter.  ← No quantum mechanics

[ Two lights with the same polarization interfere with each other, and exit from the same side of the beam splitter in Bell state measurement that is classical light phenomenon. ]

(Fig.4)  ↓ Quantum teleportation (= Bell state measurement of light after passing beam splitter ) uses classical light interference.

In fact, Bell state measurement (= BSM ) of the (useless) quantum teleportation or entanglement is just classical lights' interference at the beam splitter, and No quantum mechanics is involved.

In the beam splitter (= BS ), the transmitted light's phase is unchanged, and only one reflected light (= exiting the upper side in Fig.4 ) is supposed to experience the phase π shift (= becoming the opposite destructive light phase,  this p.32,  this p.2-(4), Fig.1,  this p.3-left-4th-paragraph ).

So when two lights with the same polarizations (= horizontal-horizontal H-H lights or vertical-vertical VV lights ) arrive at this beam splitter from the upper and lower directions, these two lights with the same polarizations interfere with each other constructively (= same phase side ) in one side and destructively (= opposite phase side due to one reflected light's phase flip ) in the other side, and resultantly, these two same-polarized lights (= denoted as φ± ) always exit from the same side of the beam splitter.

↑ This case is called Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, and it is just classical light interference after phase shift at the beam splitter ( this p.2 ) + detecting classical weak light whose intensity surpassing the detection threshold of photodetector as (fictitious) photon, No quantum mechanics is involved.

On the other hand, when two lights with different polarizations (= H-V or V-H ) enter this beam splitter, these two lights with different polarizations never interfere with each other, hence, these two lights with different polarizations can exit from different sides of the beam splitter (= ψ- ) avoiding destructive interference or exit from only one side of the beam splitter (= ψ+ ).

It means when two photodetectors at the opposite exits of the beam splitter can detect two lights at the same time (= ψ- ), these detected lights must have different polarizations (= Bell state measurement distinguishing different light polarizations ).

If only one photodetector at either side of beam splitter can detect light (= or fictitious photon ), we can think of multiple cases where this detected light may consist of only one same polarization or two different polarizations, which can Not be distinguished ( this p.11,  this p.3-right ).

Even in the latest experiment, this Bell state measurement can only distinguish these different patterns of light polarization state (= H-V or H-H or V-V .. ) with impracticaly-low 57.9 % success rate ( this 8th-paragraph ).

And as shown here, Bell state measurement (= BSM ) that allegedly causes quantum teleportation is just classical phenomenon of classical polarized light interference at the beam splitter, and (fantasy) quantum mechanics is irrelevant.


Quantum teleportation research is meaningless, a waste of money.

[ Because quantum teleportation sends No information, and Not faster-than-light at all. ]

(Fig.5)   Teleportation = Nothing is sent.  = meaningless experiments

Contrary to the media-hype, quantum teleportation can Not send any information, much less faster than light ( this 4th paragraph ).  Forget Star Trek-like fiction.

Quantum teleportation makes a contradictory claim that they do Not send anything, but can "teleport" some "ghost-like" thing called quantum state.  ← Nonsense.

For example, in Fig.5, there is No direct physical link between two lights ① and ③, and Nothing is sent between them.
But unscientific quantum mechanics claims some supernatural "ghost-like pseudo-object" may be "sent (= teleported ? )" between lights ① and ③, where there is nothing moving faster than light.

In 2017, top journal Nature announced that Chinese physicists succeeded in "teleporting" light polarization information to a distant satellite.

The 6th last paragraph of this news just says "there's No way to use this property as an instantaneous messaging system. That's because even though the states of entangled particles are correlated, you can't know what they are before you measure them, nor can you control the state."

So quantum teleportation which cannot send any real things is meaningless, useless for any purposes.

In Chinese quantum teleportation research using satellite, they sent classical lights with the same polarization ( instead of different light polarizations ) to the ground light detector ( to which ① and ② lights with the same polarization version in this was sent ) and satellite ( to which ③ light with the same polarization with light ② in this was sent,  this paper p.3 ).

And when they "measured" two lights with the same polarization at the light detector on the ground, it instantly (= faster-than-light teleportation or entanglement !? ) determined that the light polarization sent to the distant satellite was also the same as the light on the ground.

Because they arrange lights ① and ② have the same polarization, lights ② and ③ also have same polarization. ← It means lights ① and ③ also have the same polarization.  ← Teleportation between polarizations of lights ① and ③ ?  ← Nonsense.

Nothing is sent in this research on quantum teleportation where all they did was "measure" light's property such as polarization by photon detector.

In the latest long-distance quantum teleportation research in 2020 conducted by NASA and Caltech team, they used the concept of time-bin encoding system instead of ordinary light polarization as information carried by light to be teleported ( this 8th paragraph ).

In usual teleportation researches, for example, physicists treat the horizontal light polarization as "0" and vertical light polarization as "1" as information carried by light ( or photon ).

In time-bin encoding method, for example, when light arriving at a slightly earlier time ( than the standard time ) is treated as "0", and light arriving at a slightly later time is treated as "1", which was arranged by passing lights through different paths with different lengths.

In Fig.5, NASA researchers sent three kinds of lights; ① = light arriving at the light detector slightly earlier (= corresponds to vertically-polarized light ), ② = light arriving at the detector slightly later (= corresponds to horizontally-polarized light ), and ③ = light arriving at a 44-km distant lab slightly earlier ( than the standard time ) corresponding to vertically-polarized light.

And the moment the light detector measured two lights ① and ② where one light was earlier-arriving (= corresponding to vertical polarization ) and the other light was later-arriving (= horizontal ), it determined that light ③ sent to the distant lab was the same earlier-arriving light as the light ①.

So they arrange lights ① and ② have different arriving times (= one is earlier and the other is later ), lights ② and ③ also have different arriving times. ← It means lights ① and ③ have the same arriving time.  ← light ① state is "teleported (= though sends nothing )" to the distant light ③ ?  ← nonsense.

They try to identify the measurement at the light detector with "(illusory) teleportation" of the light ① information ( encoded as earlier arriving ) to the distant light ③, though nothing is actually transmitted between two lights ① and ③.

These ridiculous and scientifically meaningless things are what the current quantum mechanical researchers are doing, wasting time.



2021/1/7 updated. Feel free to link to this site.