Sample JAVA program to calculate hydrogen molecule ion (H2+).

Top page (correct Bohr model including helium).
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If you copy and paste the program source code below into a text editor, you can easily compile and run this.
(This class file name is hyion, so save this text editor as "", and compile it.)
Here we use the new unit of 1 MM = 1 × 10-14 meter.

In this program, first we input the internuclear distance (in MM ) of H2+.
And then input y-coordinate "r" (in MM) , and x-coordinate "a" ( in MM ) of electron.
From the inputted values, this program outputs the binding energy (eV) of H2+, the ratio of force F1 to centrifugal force, the ratio of forces ( from electron and n1 ) acting on n2.

F1 is the force acting on electron toward the nucleus 1 (n1).
From the force acting on electron and its velocity, we calculate the number of de Broglie wave in one orbit around n1.
( Here Virial theorem E = -T = 1/2 V is used. )
Furthermore, considering precession around x axis by the force of nucleus 2, this de Broglie wave is computed.
Total wave means the sum of them.
We also calculate the de Broglie waves influenced by the force in the x direction by nucleus 2 (= new total waves ).

import java.util.Scanner;
class hyion {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 Scanner stdIn=new Scanner(;   
 System.out.println("nuc (MM) ?  (= internuclear distance of H2+ ion");  
 double nnuc=stdIn.nextDouble();  

 System.out.println("r (MM)? = electron y coordinate ");  
 double rr=stdIn.nextDouble();

 System.out.println("a (MM) ? = electron x coordinate ");  
 double aa=stdIn.nextDouble();

 double me=9.1093826e-31; 
 double pai=3.141592653589793; double epsi=8.85418781787346e-12;
 double h=6.62606896e-34; double ele=1.60217653e-19;

 double r=rr*1.0e-14;double nuc=nnuc*1.0e-14;    // change MM to meter
 double ke=(ele*ele)/(4*pai*epsi);

 for (int i=1;i < 10;i++){             // repeat calculation from a to a + 10*10 (MM)
 double a=aa*1.0e-14;
 double rra=Math.sqrt(a*a+r*r);        // rra =distance between electron and n1
 double rrb=Math.sqrt(r*r+(nuc-a)*(nuc-a));  // rrb= distance between electron and n2

 double poten=ke*(-1.0/rra-1.0/rrb+1.0/nuc);    // poten=potential energy (J)
 double ppot=poten*6.241509*1.0e18;       // ppot = potential energy (eV) 

 double kinetic=-0.5*poten;   // kinetic energy (J) 
 double velo=Math.sqrt((2.0*kinetic)/me);  // velo = electron's velocity (m/s) 
 double binding=-ppot*0.5-13.606;        // binding energy (eV)
 double fyna=(ke*r)/(rra*rra*rra);  // n1's force acting on electron in -y direction
 double fxna=(ke*a)/(rra*rra*rra); // n1's force acting on electron in -x direction
 double fynb=(ke*r)/(rrb*rrb*rrb);  // n2's force acting on electron in -y direction
 double fxnb=(ke*(nuc-a))/(rrb*rrb*rrb); // n2's force acting on electron in x direction
 double internuc=ke/(nuc*nuc);   // force between two nuclei

 double ntwoforce = fxnb/internuc; // ratio of forces acting on n2

 double debrogli = h/(me*velo);  // de Broglie wavelength of electron
 double wave=(2.0*pai*rra)/debrogli;    // de Broglie's waves around nucleus 1

 double tim=(2*pai*rra)/velo;       // tim = time period of electron  around n1
 double vp=Math.sqrt((fynb*r)/me); // vp = electron precession veleocity around x axis 
 double debropre = h/(me * vp);   // de Broglie wavelength of precession
 double wavepre=(vp*tim)/debropre;  //  de Broglie's wave number of precession 

 double cf=(me*velo*velo)/rra;    // cf= centrifugal force around n1

 double fgen=ke/(rra*rra);  // fgen = n1's force acting on the electron
 double cosb=(rra*rra+nuc*nuc-rrb*rrb)/(2*rra*nuc);  // cosi = cos b

 double fnb=ke/(rrb*rrb); 
 fnb=(fnb*(rra-nuc*cosb))/rrb;  // fnb= n2's force * cos (theta)
 double fone=fnb+fgen;  // total force acting on electron toward n1 (=F1) 
 double goux=fone*cosb;           // x component of F1 
 double gouy=fone*Math.sqrt(1-cosb*cosb);  // y component of F1

 double gouxx=goux-fxnb;         // subtract n2 force from goux 
 double fonea=Math.sqrt(gouxx*gouxx+gouy*gouy);  // changed F1

 double diele=Math.sqrt((nuc+a)*(nuc+a)+r*r);  // between n2 and electron at position 2
 double fxnbb=(ke*(nuc+a))/(diele*diele*diele); // x component of force from n2
 double gouxxx=goux+fxnbb;        // add n2 force to goux
 double foneb=Math.sqrt(gouxxx*gouxxx+gouy*gouy); // changed F1 at position 2

 fonea=(fonea+foneb)/2.0;   // changed average F1

 double rah=fone/cf;   // rah = ratio of F1 to centrifugal force around n1
 double newgoux = Math.sqrt(fonea*fonea-gouy*gouy); 
 double newx=(r*newgoux)/gouy;
 double newradius=Math.sqrt(r*r+newx*newx); // radius influened by n2 force in x direction 

 double newvelo= Math.sqrt((fonea*newradius)/me);
 double newtim=(2.0*pai*newradius)/newvelo;         //  time period 
 double newprewav=(vp*newtim*me*vp)/h;  // new de Broglie's wave of precession 
 double newwav=(2.0*pai*newradius*me*newvelo)/h;    // new de Broglie's waves number

 System.out.printf("a:%.1f", aa);
 System.out.printf(" binding energy (eV): %.4f ", binding); 
 System.out.printf("ratio of F1 to centrifugal: %.4f ", rah);
 System.out.printf("ratio of forces acting on n2: %.3f \n", ntwoforce);

 System.out.printf("waves around n1: %.3f ", wave);
 System.out.printf("+ waves around x axis: %.3f ", wavepre);
 int la=(int)(1000.0*wave); int lb=(int)(1000.0*wavepre);la=la+lb;
 double twaves=la/1000.0;
 System.out.printf(" = total waves: %.3f \n ", twaves);

 System.out.printf("new waves around n1: %.3f ", newwav);
 System.out.printf("+ new precession wave: %.3f ", newprewav);
 la=(int)(1000.0*newwav); lb=(int)(1000.0*newprewav);la=la+lb;
 System.out.printf(" = new total waves: %.3f \n ", twaves);
 System.out.printf("                        \n");
